+ Keep It A Secret + PT3

Start from the beginning

Just reliving those moments in his head. It was hard to let them go. Cause a piece of him still wished they could've been more. But.. on the bright side he really was a lot happier than before. So he.. made the right decision. He felt like he did.

"Keith!" He heard the familiar and feminine voice call his name. But she jumped on him from behind before he could even turn around.

"Hey!" He smiled, catching her. "You heard about the event right? It's a week away!" She cheered.

Every year, all of the students that attended this school was treated to an event that was held on the weekend.

Since the committee and staff didn't really know much about what young kids liked these days, they'd allow up to 10 anonymous people recommend what they'd do this year.

And whatever one got the most votes, they'd do! Pico being one of the candidates, won that vote.

But damn, he didn't know he'd have to do all this fucking work!

"uuhhggHH!" He groaned. Almost slamming his ginger head into the table in front of him. One of the council members laughed at his boredom.

"For such a fun event, the preparations sure are boring huh?" He commented. Making Pico glare at him. He sure was right.

"Don't worry about doing so much. We also asked people from clubs if they'd wanna help out after school too. We mainly need you here just for approval at most." He explained.

"Why does it matter so much what I want? Shouldn't it be what everybody wants?" Pico asked, resting his bored head in his palm.

"Well yeah, what everyone wanted was what you recommended." The council student laughed.

Good point..

"Why are we even doing this on a Saturday?" Pico asked.

"So it doesn't interfere with classes. Not to mention it'll mean the teachers aren't required to come. So they can just go home." He stood up, putting something away.

That was also fair enough.

"Alright.. so this preparing shit happens after school." Pico leaned back with his hands behind his head.

"Yep." The council member nodded. "Unless you have any reason to go back to your dorm, you can just meet us up here." He smiled.

Pico rolled his eyes. Looking to the side. Then suddenly had the urge to think.. of him.

Fuck, why is he thinking about him now? This was like 2 months ago. He was probably hanging out with that chick or whatever.

..Maybe even dating her..

"Something the matter?" He asked, tilting a head at the one who seemed to be glaring at something. But he snapped out of it soon.

"Nah. You headed somewhere?" He questioned.

"Lunch period is almost over, so I gotta get to class. And you should too Mr. Rebel." He joked lightly. Knowing Pico regularly skipped some of his classes.

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