24. small world, huh?

En başından başla

He went home to his apartment and poured the bowl of cornflakes he planned to eat, drowning them in milk.

He hadn't realised how empty his apartment felt until now.

He had fallen in love with the huge, 5 million dollar home the second he viewed it. The views of the city were extraordinary, much better than the views of his family home in Elmdale. All you could see there were a few cows. And some trees.

But as he carried his bowl of cereal into his living area, before he turned the TV on, the apartment was just so silent. You could hear every move he made, every creak on every floorboard.

He was quite... Lonely.

He hadn't made many friends since moving to New York.

A few of his employees at the firm invited him out for drinks every now and then, but nothing ever got too serious, he was their boss, so no one pushed for anything.

Unless you were Cara. In that case, Cara pushed far too much.

Steve had never left Elmdale. He was still with Wanda, they were engaged, no plans for a wedding yet. Steve just called him to tell him he done it spontaneously and couldn't help himself.

That was three years ago.

Bucky didn't think they'd ever actually get married, they'd just stay engaged forever. They were happy that way, Wanda had never been much of a take-a-guys-last-name kind of girl, anyways.

Steve and Wanda made the long distance work. Wanda graduated from her school in New York, and moved straight back to Elmdale afterwards. She worked as a kindergarten teacher now. They made long distance work so well Bucky cursed himself for not even trying. The more time that passed the more Bucky realised what a huge fucking mistake he made.

Steve had always been his best friend. And always would be.

The second he pulled up at the diner after dropping Goldie off at the airport, he was still crying, and as soon as Steve noticed the look on his best friends face, he knew exactly what happened. Steve just held him, in the middle of his busy diner, while he just cried. Bucky had always thought he was the one who looked after Steve their entire lives. But that day really changed Buckys perspective on the way their friendship had worked all these years.

They called almost everyday. And visited each other often. Steve played with the idea of opening a diner in New York, so he'd be closer to Bucky more often, but Bucky new in his heart it would never happen. Steve was too much of a country boy.

He sat alone, the TV buzzing with some cliche 90's movie, not paying attention to it. Instead, paying attention to the bigger thing.

"Empire State. 1pm."

He felt a bit ill thinking about it. Not in a bad way, of course. Nothing about her could ever be bad. He was just fucking terrified. What was he supposed to do... What was he supposed to say after all these years?

He didn't think a generic how are you would cut it.

What was he supposed to say? The truth? But then again... What was the truth? The real truth?

He still loved her.

Of course he still fucking loved her.

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