18. the festival

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"We found wonderland

you and I got lost in it"

the festival

"I can't do it, I can't do, i can't do it."

The crowd was even bigger than Bucky had expected. He knew the festival was popular, but he had no idea just how popular.

Because of the Odinson Brothers headlining the festival, thousands more tickets had been bought than the festival committee had originally expected, bringing in many, many more festival goers than ever before.

"Televised. I didn't know I was gonna be televised, I can't do it. There's no way I can do it."

Bucky cupped her face with both of his hands, holding her steady from her shaking panic.

"Listen to me," He brushed his thumb over her cheek, "You can do this. You're the best, most talented singer I've ever had the pleasure of meeting in my entire life, and if anyone can go and sing on that stage today," He lifted his arm to point at the scarily big stage which they could just about see from where they were standing, "It's you. You are gonna blow everyone away, baby."

She desperately shook her head, and Bucky distracted her from her panic by sweetly pressing his lips against hers.

It wasn't often that a kiss between the two stayed sweet for long, but this time Bucky showed just how much he cared about her through the kiss.

They were good at communicating, the pair of them had been ever since they met, but this was something different, it was like what Bucky was trying to tell her last night, but couldn't, and instead told her now, through this act of adoration as their lips danced in time together.

"I just- I really fucking love you."

"I love you too." Goldie said softly.

"I want everything with you. The whole lot. When we move to New York- There's no one else for me, Goldie. Only you."

Goldie stood on her tip toes to kiss him in the way he had just kissed her, showing him through the kiss that she wanted the same thing. She wanted it all. With him.

"Now go show the world how fucking amazing you are. And I'll be right here waiting for you when you come back."

She grinned and picked up her guitar case she had sat on the floor, slinging it around her shoulders.

"I'll see you later."

"Where is she?"

Steve came running through the field, pushing his way through the crowds of the thousands of people already waiting at the stage towards Bucky, dragging Wanda behind him with a firm grip on her hand. Daisy was somewhere already with her parents, Bucky had no idea where she had went, through. Probably to get food.

"Are we too late?" Wanda called from behind him.

"She went backstage already, she's due on in a few minutes. She text me saying they've set up and they're ready for her. The crowd was already enormous and Bucky secretly hoped that Goldie hadn't yet taken a look at just how many people there were already because he feared it would put her off.

"The crowd are already eager with anticipation for the opening act for the Odinson Brothers, Elmdales own Goldie Avery. She is known throughout the small town not far from the area where the festival is held for singing at the local diner on Saturday nights, but became better known on the internet through a viral video posted of her singing a song that a source says was written about her boyfriend. We suspect her boyfriend is in the crowd today, so maybe we will get the pleasure of witnessing more heartfelt love songs from this small town artist."

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