My Girlfriend is the Most Dangerous Woman in Existence

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 I raced to the infirmary, but the group coming up the steps slowed me down. I pressed along the edge of the railing away from them till I reached the third floor. At the entrance to the infirmary, I hesitated. It truly was a war zone, taking in the stretchers and those hobbling inside a conference hall turned hospital. I wandered around in search of Violet. It was so packed and unorganized that I didn't even know who to ask. I heard a familiar voice, but a hand reached out and grasped my shoulder before I could follow it.

"You haven't seen Katrina, have you?" He asked.

It took a minute, but then I recognized him. It was Katrina's Partner.

I thought back to Katrina's poisoned kiss in the bar as I hesitated. "I-"

"Dominic?" Violet's voice called from behind.

I turn around to see her limping toward me, one leg bandaged around her ankle.

She smiled despite a small split in her bottom lip. I rushed over to her, wrapping my arms around her bird-like frame.

"What happened to you?" I asked, holding her gently out in front of me.

"Some idiot stabbed me in the foot. It wouldn't be a battle without some action. Besides, you should see what I did to him," She snickered. 

"Yeah," I paused. I would have continued to ask her more about it, but I struggled to hear over all the racket.

"But Dominic! We did it!!! Romulus and the Retired Reapers didn't stand a chance. Apparently, our mentors tore the ballroom apart. The Death traitors, Retired Reapers, and Romulus were badly blinded by the lights and barely escaped." She exclaimed.

 "I was so freaked out when I found out you were here in the infirmary that I really didn't even notice the cheering," I said as I pulled her in and held her tighter.

I looked behind me out of the corner of my eye to where Katrina's apprentice would be. But he wasn't there.

"What?" Violet asked.

"Nothing," I said. To be honest, I felt kind of bad for saying that. The guy had looked so lost. I got the feeling Katrina hadn't stayed around very long after she poisoned me. And she obviously hadn't taken him with her.

"Whatever it is, I can deal with it later. Are you sure you're okay?" I finished.

"Yes. I'm certainly glad to see you're alright. Where's Dave?" She asked.

"He took two arrows for me. We were attacked, but he held them off so I could keep the blue lights going." I said. I felt a little guilty that I had just left him upstairs to go check on Violet.

"He should be here soon if he's not already," I said.

Violet scanned the room before she stopped and pointed. 

"There!" She said, grabbing my hand as we weaved through the cots.  

 We hobbled up to Dave's side as he gave us each a wide grin.

"Well, hello, my compadres," Dave said.

I noticed that he was hooked up to a few little machines. He had gauze taped to his chest, and his right arm was in a sling. I sensed that Dave had been given something for the pain, and he was really enjoying it.

"Little lady, glad to see you're okay," he said, taking Violet's hand.

"How are you feeling, Dave?" Violet asked as she leaned down tentatively.

"Groovy!" Dave said.

"Glad to hear it." I chuckled.

A guy walked over toward Violet and whispered into her ear as she nodded.

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