We Decide to Pay Death a Visit

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If you have ever felt the strange sensation of falling in your sleep, you know precisely the jolt I experienced. I sat up in bed gasping and covered in a sheen of sweat. Just then, I heard a quick rap on the door.

"Wake up! Wake up! It is a beautiful morning!" Alice dashed in, mercilessly ripping open the blinds.

"Ugh!" I groaned and rotated my head away from the bright beams of light.

Alice was dressed in a white blouse, red pencil skirt, and black heels. She whirled around to look at me with a wide, surprised smile.

"Oh! Dominic, I am sorry. I thought you were Violet. She must have gotten an early start this morning." She said. "Still, wakey, wakey! Eggs and bakey! It's almost noon!" Alice turned and walked out of the room, her heels clicking down the hall.

I stared after her groggily and remembered yesterday.

Why did she think I was Violet?

I looked around the room again, more carefully. Books and papers were scattered on the cream carpet, and the Christmas lights had been unplugged from the wall. I noticed a grey screen behind me used as a headboard. On it was a scene of white cranes dipping into a golden lake under a copper sun. It was really cool.

Maybe this wasn't Alice's room...

My stomach rumbled loudly as I caught the salty fresh scent of bacon. I trudged down the hall into the kitchen where Alice had outdone herself making breakfast. Before me was a feast of eggs, pancakes, fruit, and sizzling bacon set out on bright, multicolored plates.

"Good morning," I yawned and wiped the grit from my eyes.

My arms felt heavy as I grabbed the high back stool and scooted up to the counter.

"Hmm, salt on your bacon, Dear?" Alice asked, scraping a few pieces of bacon onto a plate with her spatula.

I paused, remembering the lingering words of Keith, my mentor. "Salt makes things taste better, Gallo."

"Yeah, sure. Thanks," I mumbled as I grabbed an empty blue and orange plate and dumped a handful of bacon strips on it.

"Coffee?" Alice offered, pulling a silver French press into view.

"Um... do you have any orange juice?" I asked groggily.

"Well, let me see...." Alice said as she opened the refrigerator door, "We have apple cider, milk, grape, and apple juice. No O.J. Sorry," Alice finished.

"Coffee is fine," I said.

"Alright! Coffee it is!" Alice cheered, placing two white mugs on the counter. "And sugar and cream are a given!" She added, placing the contents between us with a smile.

We each dumped enormous amounts of sugar into our cups. A few stray coffee grounds swirled around the top of my drink as I stirred the cream into it. I took a sip, trying not to gag on the grounds. I pulled my lips away from the cup with a tight grin and quick thumbs up for Alice.

"I'm so glad you like it!" Alice said with a wide sincere grin before her tone shifted into something more serious, "Now, I wanted to ask you something, but I think I might have forgotten. Did you sleep well?" Alice asked.

"Well, I had a weird dream about kittens," I said, slightly flustered, now remembering my odd and disturbing dream.

Alice put down her cup and traced her finger along the outside rim of the mug.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Alice asked, raising her eyebrows in concern.

"Ah no... I'm still trying to work it out myself," I said hoarsely.

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