Violet Traps Us in the World's Biggest Bug Zapper

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The crowd had grown thicker since the alarm had been triggered. I weaved and bobbed through the crowd, searching for Violet's face.

"Stay here," I told Dave as I rushed into the wall of people.

"Cool beans," Dave replied, and he snatched a burrito from the all-you-could-eat buffet. "Righteous!!!"

I shouldered my way through the crowd. I pushed past grim faces, sharp elbows, and distorted voices. The tone was so severe it kind of set me on edge. I noticed a short blond wisp ahead of me as I rushed after Violet.

"Hey, Violet!" I called and grabbed her arm. I accidentally caused her to spill all of the paper she was holding against her chest.

Violet gave an irritated sigh as she dove to the floor. I followed her down and helped her frantically snatch up pieces of paper from the floor.

"Violet, I am so sorry! I do have something that needs your attention, though," I said. "Something that can help!"

"Where were you?" She asked suddenly.

We both stood up slowly, and I answered carefully. "I was with Dave."

"Dave?!!! The hippie?!!!" She asked. "Look, I am sorry. I don't have time for this! I have a presentation."

"You wanted my help, right?" I asked; annoyance crept into my tone.

"Yes..." she paused.

"Okay, then just hear me out," I said. I briefly explained to her my crazy plan as I gathered up the rest of her maps. I kept talking as I followed behind her to the round table. I dumped my map pile beside hers. I turned to my left as Lee wandered up beside Violet, and we made brief eye contact.

"Long time no-see, Lee!" I said.

"Oh? Where is your dragon?" Lee teased.

My mind instantly retraced my encounter with Lee, last beating him in a race but not before crashing a parade literally!  I raced the rest of the way with a Chinese dragon tagging along for the ride. 

Before I could open my mouth, a tall girl with dark hair took the head of the table. Her clear voice rang throughout the cafeteria.

"The L&D emergency conference has been called to order. We ask that you please silence all cellphones at this time," she paused. "I would now like to introduce Violet Amelia Bordeaux in charge of the defense of San Francisco."

Silence echoed throughout the court as Violet stepped up. She sighed, stretching out the map as her hands trembled slightly.

"Our enemy is going to mount an attack here tonight, as you all know. Most likely, they will target the entrance, making a direct hit between the gates."

"So, how do you plan to stop it?" A guy with short blond hair from across the table interrupted.

"Let her finish, Scott," the dark-haired girl at the opening scolded. The blond dude crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

"Continue." Scott consented as Violet nodded silently. I gritted my teeth in disdain.

"L&D is built, at least on the lower levels, like a really long, tall mall. It has an atrium with stairs that wind up through each floor on either side of the front gates. But the stairs are set back halfway through the building. We could strike an attack from above. Especially if they can't see as well."

Scott snorted, and I found myself seething.

"My partner, Dominic, may have found a way to do this - to buy us some time, but I don't think we can hold them off for good. I also don't think we should." Violet said over a rising clamor.

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