I Accidentally Start an International Food War

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"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"I thought you might enjoy a trip to the armory," Violet said.

"I would except that I only have ten DNR coins. Death is not a big spender!"

Violet laughed. "No, he's not, but they let you try out the weapons regardless. C'mon. Follow me."

"But... I mean... Keith is probably in the pavilion. Shouldn't we try to find Alice? You know... stick together?" I asked.

"You look miserable. I think that we should have a little fun. Besides, the armory is right next to the food court," Violet circled us around and under the grand, intricately carved, marble arch of the armory.

"Convenient," I said.

"Yes. So do you want to try the darts? No... you'll probably inhale them or fall on them by accident," Violet teased.

"Hey! I'm not a toddler," I hissed.

I caught a glimpse of Violet's smile as one spread along my face too.

"Kidding?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"Yes. But why are we whispering?" Violet asked.

"I don't know. This just seemed like a place you should whisper," I said, looking into the nearly silent and empty hall.

"This is L&D. Nobody whispers, and most everyone in the food court watches the scoreboard and places bets over a few beers, burgers, and burritos," Violet said.

"Sounds fun," I smirked.

"Not as fun as the potato launcher," Violet whispered.

"Wait! What? A potato launcher?!" I asked. "No. Way!"

"Come on!" Violet yelled as she pulled me by my hand over to a large, silver cylinder on display. The cylinder had a loaded baked potato stuffed inside a clear part of the tube.

"This is dangerous!" I whispered.

"Not as dangerous as the darts," Violet teased. "I bet you can't fire it."

"Challenge accepted!" I agreed.

I moved over to the tube as I slugged it over my right shoulder and aimed it toward Violet.

"No. Don't!" She pleaded with a squeal as she made a jump to the right, and I aimed for the wall behind her.

There was one problem. I missed the wall. I sent the baked potato flying right into the middle of the L&D food court. It happened in slow motion. A few dead people ducked, and the baked potato splattered right into the chest of the biggest guy since GI Joe. For about 3 seconds, silence rang through the food court. Then Violet grabbed my arm and sent the potato launcher clattering to the floor.

"Food fight!" A scrawny guy hollered, jumping up onto one of the tables as a loud cry gathered into a collective roar around the court.

"I think you just potatoed a Retired Reaper of Athens," Violet squeaked as she pulled me forward into a run.

"Wait! Is potatoed a thing??!" I asked. But Violet didn't answer. Instead, she squeezed my hand and pulled me down as a javelin soared over my head. I nearly got a new and unflattering haircut.

I was on top of her, and for a second, our eyes met. She smirked and then rolled to her right, knocking me off of her. Violet's reflexes were incredible! She snatched the back of my neck and guided my head into the black and white checkered tile as together we dived under a table. I looked out from underneath the tablecloth at the unfolding carnage.

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