Dave Blinds the Enemy With Happiness

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Violet tugged back suddenly as she placed a hand on my chest.

"Oh my gosh, Dominic!" Violet said, scrambling up from the floor.

"What?" I asked, staggering up after her wondering if I had gone too far or something.

"Xavier's attack!" Violet blurted out. "We need to get to L&D."

I leaned back on my heels as I breathed in a quick sigh of relief. I looked up at the night sky as Violet stood beside me.

"Take my hand." She ordered.

I intertwined my fingers in hers before a white flash blinded us. The Teleportation sucked us up before landing us in the middle of a street.

A yellow VW Bug came racing toward us. I knocked Violet over, landing on top of her.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think so," Violet said as her cheeks turned red. I jumped off her and helped her up. She looked down the street as the car screeched away out of sight behind us.

"It should be just up ahead," Violet said, turning her attention to the opposite direction.

"Couldn't we just Teleport in there?" I asked.

"By now, the apprentices would have blocked all pathways, including Teleportation, for over a one-block radius. This was the closest we could get. From here, we're on foot." Violet said.

"Right." I nodded.

A rumbling shout grew in the distance as we marched up the street.

"Hey, Violet. Whatever happened to the Guardian?" I asked, trying to think of something else other than the end of the world.

"She left," Violet said.

"Oh," I paused. "Did she say where was she going?"

"No. But she said this wouldn't be the last time we would cross paths." Violet said.

"Great!" I smirked.

Violet stopped in front of me as I bumped into her. I could hear the fighting ahead as it became deafeningly loud. Violet looked up at me as a wordless understanding passed between us. We bolted toward L&D. She quickly ducked and peered out of the alleyway toward L&D. I looked out over her shoulder. Violet looked down at our hands momentarily and let go of mine. From what I could see over the mass of bodies thrashing, the Protectorates of Life were still holding the army outside L&D but barely. The army threatened to muscle and hacked their way in through the gates.

"We need to do something," I whispered.

"Yeah, something has gone wrong for our defense because they shouldn't be headed inside yet," Violet paused as she looked at her phone. "It's not midnight,"

"Then let's get in there," I said, marching forward. Violet reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me back.

"Not so fast!" Violet called. "We need a plan. And you don't have a weapon."

"Since when did we start planning things?" I asked.

"Since someone got kidnapped," Violet accused. "Look, I don't want to lose anyone. So, no more going in half-cocked. Got it?" She threatened. I could tell by her voice that she was nervous.

"Okay," I said, looking down at her. I brushed back a pesky stray hair away from the side of her face. "So, what's the plan?"

"Well, before I went to meet Xavier, I left David in charge of setting up the lights," Violet said.

"Who's David?" I interrupted.

Violet rolled her eyes briefly with a sigh. "Dave," she said flatly.

"Oh yeah, Dave!" I said wistfully. "So, you left him in charge with the Blue Lights of Happiness."

"Yes. Dave will set off the lights when the army breaks through, and we can make our way in from the back... that is, if they've finished setting them up." She said.

"So the lights might not work?" I said with a bit of disappointment.

"Let's just hope they do," Violet said.

"Well, it's risky," I said with a grin. "But I like it. So, about the blue lights."

"What about them?" Violet asked.

"I'll be blind," I said. "I won't be able to see."

"I know what blind means," she said sarcastically. "The blue light only really affects the Dead, not the forces of Life. If they're working, I will be to get inside without being noticed. And I'll guide you."

"Right," I answered her as I looked at her skeptically. "We're winging it? Aren't we?" I asked.

Violet sighed as she looked out around the corner toward L&D in slight irritation.

"It's more like a planned opportunity," Violet admitted.

At that moment, the army plunged through the line. A blue light suddenly shined down on our enemies with the intensity of the sun. We could see it all clearly from a reasonable distance. Violet ducked behind the wall as I squinted and reached out, grabbing her arm. Then Violet pulled me forward and guided me as fast as she could toward L&D.

"Close your eyes!" She yelled back to me as her hand tugged mine forward.

I reluctantly dropped my hand, shielding my eyes. I breathed in a sigh and closed them while trying not to trip over my own feet. Violet stopped unexpectedly, and I bumped into her as her hand steadied me. I concentrated on the sounds of movement ahead. A few shouts erupted as the sound of rushing feet raced toward us.

"Violet!" I asked. "What's going on?"

"Nothing... yet." Violet squeaked nervously.

I could feel Violet's indecision as her stance shifted in front of me into a defensive form.

"Then just tell me what's happening!" I demanded.

"The army is doubling back...." Violet paused.

"Well, that's good," I said.

"They're headed straight for us!" Violet added.

"That's less good," I said.

I could feel them coming as the tension mounted in a rush of movement. Violet pulled me into what smelled like a back alley as a mass of people raced past us. Violet's grip on me stiffened. After a brief pause, she tugged me forward sharply.

"Come on!" She said confidently. "They've flown past us - away from L&D!"

I tried to stay close behind Violet without accidentally stepping on her. I opened my eyes briefly before squinting them shut, and I grimaced. I didn't like not being able to see even if I knew where I was going. I felt more like a potential hazard than help if Violet needed me.

Suddenly the blue lights powered out. I opened my eyes. We were at the bottom floor entrance, surrounded by both the Protectorates of Life and the Army of the Dead. Everyone had stopped fighting for a brief moment as L&D's lights all flickered and faded out. Uh-Oh!!!

I watched as Xavier's army let out a hideous war cry and charged forward now that the lights had been turned out. I placed my back to Violet's as she turned. Her staff intercepted a sword that would have left me without my head as she locked eyes with my attacker. It was a tall, blond guy drenched in sweat. He looked vaguely familiar as he stared back at us with loathing. Violet deflected the sword and knocked him to the ground with her staff. He'd feel that into next week! Violet grabbed me, and we Teleported up into a beam of light.  

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