The Dead Prepare For War With Cool Ranch Doritos

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A brief silence formed as the last glow of the blue ring disappeared around the corner. Then the comments showered down on Violet like meteorites.

"What do we do now?" One girl blurted out as another chimed in.

Countless voices swarmed the room.

"What about the Tide?"

"What about the prophecy?!"

"And the sword?"

"What if the Retired Reapers gain the Weapon of Life?" Another panicked apprentice asked.

"Hey!" I yelled, shutting them all up.

I'll admit I kind of tuned out after that point. It was really a bunch of yelling, and it was annoying. Violet did a good job calming down the panicked and organizing everyone around a few common strategies.

From what I could gather, the plan was to set up a one-block perimeter around L&D. A few scouts would be posted around San Francisco to spot the approaching army. It was impossible to hold them off completely. The plan was to keep Death's army outside long enough to hopefully give the mentors for Life (currently held captive in the ballroom above) a chance to start rebelling.

Our last line of defense would be to retreat into L&D as the Blue Light of Happiness glared down on our enemies. The portable lights were to be strapped onto make-shift shields with duct tape.

In honor of Dave's quick thinking, the archers would use Cool Ranch Doritos to light a series of fires. They would then light the arrow tips before sending a few flaming volleys onto the army. Then the archers would continue to retreat up into L&D for the next attack. But that was all I could gather over all the shouting. 

Violet grabbed a pistol from a fellow apprentices holster and fired at the ceiling. A deafening silence filled the room. "You have your orders. Meeting adjourned."

I was stunned but nodded in silence briefly before following in step behind her. The crowds parted wordlessly. Ms my eyes hovered over her petite frame as her ponytail swished with each stride.

"Where are we going?" I whispered in a hushed tone.

"Up," She said.

One of my eye browns shot up

"How far up?" I asked.

"I want to be the first to see the army advancing and from which direction." She said. Her voice was a little hoarse.

All that shouting.

I hesitated before asking. "What about Romulus?"

"Romulus doesn't need to move since he has everyone hostage in one spot until his forces arrive."

We remained silent until we reached and started scaling the broad, dimly lit staircase of L&D. When we came to the top step of the first level, she grabbed my hand, and we teleported.

It was a flash of bright light.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"The World's Eye," Violet said almost wistfully.

"What?" I asked.

"L&D's largest vantage point," she said dreamily. "It changes based on where you are from."

"So, if I lived in Mexico... then I would see?" I asked.

"Mexico City." Violet finished for me.

"It's beautiful... Too bad the world is ending," I said sarcastically.

Violet dropped my hand as she made her way over to the vast, almost panoramic floor-to-ceiling window. She swallowed hard, eyes moving away from the lights of San- Fransisco and towards her satchel.

"Hey Violet, I only meant that as a stupid joke," I said apologetically. 

Walking over to her, I rested a hand on her shoulder.

"I know..." She said. Violet's green eyes turned to meet mine. "I just truly have the weight of the world resting on my shoulders tonight."

She pulled out a pair of large, black binoculars as I dropped my hand.

She lifted the lenses to her eyes and pierced through them, scanning

"They're not moving," Violet said, gritting her teeth.

"Who?" I asked.

I was looking out at the lights of the city.

"The army," Violet said finally.

"Maybe they're taking a break?" I said.

"No. I think we need... I need to get back down to L&D, now!" Violet said.

"Why?" I asked, now a little frantic.

"The enemy we think will be on their way to strike the gates. But we don't know if they will split up and target another vantage point. But honestly, they should have been here at this spot sooner or at least moving towards it." Violet said irritably.

Violet snatched up my hand in hers without another word, and we teleported into a flash. 

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