I Receive the Kiss of Death

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Once we touched down, I could tell that Violet was agitated by the army's lack of movement. I actually considered it a positive thing. Maybe this was giving them a chance to rethink things or chicken out. Either way, it was giving us more time.

"Well, I don't think we want them to get here too quickly," I said, following her into the dark, oak doors of an L&D bar.

Violet was frantically unfurling a weathered map of the city.

"No. You're missing the point! They should be here already! They should have been here hours ago!" She fumed.

"Maybe they ran into some traffic?" I said, trying to offer a useless explanation so her face would un-shrivel.

Violet let out a long sigh.

"They captured our mentors. Then two hours later... then the army rolls in? It doesn't make any sense! It's like they're doing it on purpose," she said, rolling her fingers around the rim of a discarded glass on the bar.

"What? Stomping around?" I asked.

"No. Buying time." She whispered.

"So, they're taking forever to get here. I really don't see how that's a problem for us." I said.

"You know what?! Never mind." Violet said as she rose from her chair. She grabbed her map and stormed out.

"Wow." I heard a soft voice coo after Violet left. Katrina stood leaning against the doorframe in the doorway behind me. She clapped slowly as she walked toward me.

"That was quite the performance." Katrina purred. "She must be an awful big hand full."

"Yeah, sometimes," I admitted. I grabbed a small glass full of an amber liquid.

"You know, if Death overtakes L&D, you'll need a new partner.... Apparently, we've got a long night before us." Karina said after a brief pause. "Do you want to sit down?"

She stepped toward me and playfully pushed me into a chair.

I nearly crashed against the bar, and a good bit of the liquid sloshed out.

"There. That's a little cozier. Isn't it?" Katrina purred as she took a seat, straddling my lap.

"Well, I don't think Violet will let it come to that if she can help it," I said.

"I see. Well, I trust you understand my proposition doesn't allow for... shall we say, certain third parties." She leaned closer toward my face as she whispered.

Prying the glass from my fingers, she downed what remained before giving a light sigh.

"Refreshing." She whispered as she reached and set the glass down behind me, bringing her face within inches of my face.

Her wide, brown eyes and lashes seemed to open and close in slow motion as she snaked her hands up the back of my neck.

"When things are all said and done, you'll thank me." She said wistfully.

"I am sure I will," I responded, almost as if in a trance.

I opened my mouth to answer as she dove forward. Once her lips pressed against mine, a dizzying, delirious effect set in. Katrina rocked into me as she wove her fingers into my hair, tugging them slightly at the roots. I tasted something faintly sweet (like sugared almonds) on her lips.

"Dominic!" Violet's voice pierced through my consciousness as I snapped up to look at her.

She stopped when her eyes rested on Katrina, who returned Violet's glare with a smug grin.

Her hand held open the door in mid-swing as she took us in.

Katrina pulled away from me. A triumphant smile hung on her lips. "Speak of the devil!"

"Wait! Violet, it's not what it looks like!" I said frantically, scrambling up from underneath Katrina.

"Violet, I was just saying how we hope you do well tonight... for your sake," Katrina said as she took a swipe through velveted claws.

"So, do I. But it's not just my existence at stake," Violet paused. "Excuse me."

A wall came down over Violet's expression as she gave a disgusted scoff. Her eyes started to look a little watery as she stormed outside the bar.

"Well, you know what they say... all's fair in love...." Katrina paused, looking toward me almost hungrily, "and war," she finished turning her eyes back to where Violet exited the bar.

"Violet!" I called, scrambling out from under Katrina.

I tailed after her, my shoes squeaking against the tile. I could hear Katrina's laugh ringing in my ears. I turned outside the bar, running to catch up to Violet as she rounded the corner ahead of me. She seemed too far in the distance, out of reach.

"Stop!" I yelled as I leaned over, catching my breath.

To my surprise, she did.

"You should stay away from her,"

"Who," I asked, slightly dazed by our hasty exit.

"Katrina," Violet said flatly. "She's up to something."

"What?!" I demanded. "That's crazy!"

"I am not crazy!" Violet said, turning around to face me.

"I didn't say you were!" I said, raising my hands up in self-defense.

"I've known her for longer than you have, Dominic. She's a dangerous, unpredictable opponent. I know what she's like. Just be careful," Violet said.

I watched Violet disappear in a column of dust.

My vision swayed and then lurched unexpectedly. My knees rocked forward collided with the tile.

It was really annoying when she did that, I thought hazily.

I couldn't maintain any focus as a rattling, mind-splitting headache blinded my vision.

"What's happening?" I croaked.

I recalled the sweet taste in Katrina's mouth. Was it poison? Poison so strong it hurt the dead?!!"

"When things are all said and done, you'll thank me." Katrina's remark replayed throughout my slipping consciousness.

I didn't get it. Why would she do it? I was dead. She couldn't kill me. What was the point?

I knelt forward and struggled to look up. My head hung down between my outstretched arms on the floor. I could feel my muscles seize up. My jaws ached from the pressure of grating my teeth. I noticed in the distance a blurry, skulking figure coming toward me. I fought to keep my eyes open between blinks. I made out an eerily familiar figure and smile - then the darkness consumed me.  

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