Life Takes Death's Breath Away

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She then spun around to me and said, "Oh, Death!" Her bubbly voice chirped. "He's so cute! Looks strong too!"

I felt a slight pinch on my biceps, and I laughed. Her brown eyes peered into mine as a delightful warmth raced through my body. I found it impossible not to feel happy in her presence, and I just wanted... more?

"Don't call my apprentice cute, Alice!" Death barked like an old, out-of-breath dog. "I am sure Dominic has been through enough this evening already."

Yeah, I had been through a lot, but I wished Keith would mind his own business. I was starting to feel much better under Alice's charm, and then he had to be all wet blanket.

Alice pulled away from me, and I collected a view of her petite profile. Her eyes turned back to Death with a playful but sultry look. She left my side at the bar and moved slowly over to Keith. She looked amazing in her 50s style, white and cherry speckled dress.

Death scrambled slightly and turned his stool away from the bar top. Leaning his arms back against the bar (in an attempt to seem taller), he managed to stick his right elbow into a bowl of nacho cheese. A faint sheen of sweat lay on his forehead.

Alice seemed to both note and ignore everything - she never took her eyes off of Keith. It was spectacular to watch. I couldn't believe this was Death!

"I came to congratulate you, silly," Alice said. Her voice was lowering like a mother telling her child to behave. Her lips hovered next to Keith's ear as she traced her long, red fingernails teasingly against the collar of his jacket. "I didn't mean to... fluster you, so."

Liar! This lady was - expert level 10!

Keith sat up and finally adjusted his position to match the confidant stance of the woman in front of him.

"May I also congratulate you," Death acknowledged almost bitterly, "on your new apprentice."

"Yes! She is very gifted. I guess I don't have to tell you!" Alice said, handing Keith a couple of napkins and turning back towards me. "See, everything works out... eventually. You even have a new apprentice now, too!"

"Violet will be so pleased to have an apprentice her own age," Alice said, looking at me. She casually flipped open her black, patent leather purse and held out a business card to me.

"I know it is late, Dominic," Alice said with a small comforting grin, "I won't keep you any longer, but if you need anything - food, pillow, shoulder to cry on, or just some company (wink) - give us a ring."

"And Keith," Alice purred (there was that sultry smile again), "have a nice night."

Alice smiled and blew him a kiss before turning around and pushing past the doors; her amber curls bounced with each step.

"You might want to close your mouth now," Death smirked.

I didn't say a word as my eyes dropped down to the cream-colored business card. Bold, navy blue, lettering read:

Life! Always!

628-884-3592 for work.

415-534-9060 at home.

Alice Edenborough

Give everyone a second chance!

"So, that's Life?" I asked, raising my voice over the cheers of a growing group of men. They watched sports on the big screens in the corner of the bar nearest us.

"Yes. That's her." Death coughed.

"Kinda wish I had this earlier," I mumbled, holding up the card.

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