Raymond's gaze traveled across the weapons on the wall, knowing Cole would have to be comfortable around some weapon again. But he knew anything with a blade would freak the ninja out. The man continued searching until his eyes rested on a bow on the wall, a sheath of arrows hanging below it. Curious, he glanced down at Cole again and saw the ninja's gaze also on the bow, his eye glittering with interest. Raymond smiled softly. "Maybe it's time I teach you something new," he murmured.

* * *

"Stabbed it straight in the heart!" Ronin shouted.

Ariana gave him a hard nudge. "You're crazy!" she laughed.

Ronin smirked. "You didn't think I'd give up after it took my eye, did ya?" he sniggered.

A few of the other Baddies that had gathered to hear his stories shouted out their own thoughts and Ronin, obviously enjoying being the center of attention, chuckled and shot back his cocky remarks.

Lloyd stared down at the table, muttering to himself. Ariana and Hugh were sitting straight across from him and he desperately wished Ariana had sat beside him instead. Ronin, Lloyd came to ignore. But he couldn't stand Hugh. He was too cheery. It was unnatural. He seemed strange. Mysterious. Suspicious. Lloyd knew he was hiding something. But what was worse was that Ariana clung to him like a tick.

"How do you two know each other again?" Lloyd spat, unable to keep the scorn from his voice.

Hugh laughed and dropped the fork he had been messing with. "You mean me and Dustbunny here?" he chortled, placing his arm around Ariana.

Lloyd's eyes narrowed, alarm spiking through him. Get your arms off her, he silently threatened. And stop calling her that stupid name.

"I found her in the woods when she was, what, four... five?" Hugh went on, glancing down at her.

Ariana laughed, pressing closer to him. "You were only a kid then," she added.

Lloyd stiffened. They've known each other that long? "Well, if that's true, what happened?" he inquired, more suspicious than curious.

Hugh shrugged. "Well, after she walked straight into a bear trap—"

"Hey!" Ariana knocked into his shoulder. "I was following you!"

"Just get to the point," Lloyd snapped, only realizing how cold he sounded after Ariana gave him a surprised glance.

Hugh didn't seem to notice. "Then the bear came," he continued his story. "And while she was trying to pry herself free, Ronin and I chased the bear off."

"Somewhere during the fight, I passed out," Ariana put in, regaining her cheerfulness. "And when I woke up, both the bear, Hugh, and Ronin were gone. I thought the bear must've finished them off somewhere."

Hugh raised his eyebrows. "Except we thought the same thing," he murmured. "After losing the bear, Ronin and I assumed it backtracked and returned to the trap, but Ariana was gone by then. We guessed the bear got to her before we did and dragged her off to its cave or something." He grinned and pulled Ariana closer to him. "I've never been happier to be proven wrong."

Ariana laughed again, eyes shining. "Same here," she confessed.

Lloyd gritted his teeth, trying his hardest to control himself. "Sounds like you two had just the darnedest times together," he muttered, keeping his distrustful gaze on Hugh.

Hugh shrugged softly, seeming careless. "Eh, what can I say? Those who are abandoned together stick together, huh?"

Lloyd felt everything stop for a moment. Furrowing his eyebrows, he shot Hugh a shocked glare. "What?"

Darkness from Within #7: A Promise Broken (Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now