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inside a colorful box is a gloomy aura

It was already 5:30pm when Huening Kai woke up. Taehyun didn't mind the other sleeping at him for an hour, for him it was relaxing and quiet.

"How are you feeling now, Kai?" Taehyun  askes softly, fixing the other's hair. Huening Kai, busy rubbing his eyes answered, "good, thank you, Taehyun."

Taehyun smiled in return, as Huening Kai looked at his wall clock, his eyes widened.

"Oh my, you are supposed to be home at this time!" Huening Kai exclaimed, panicking as he realized that he fell asleep for too long. Taehyun held the younger's hand, "no worries, there's still light." He assured, smiling fondly at him.

The younger calmed a little bit, a worry still inside him. Huening Kai nodded, looking at Taehyun as if he is apologizing.

"You don't have to worry about me, Kai. It's okay!" Taehyun assured him once again which worked. All of Huening Kai's worries washed away, then smiling at the elder who is still holding his hand.

"Should I walk you home?" Asked Huening Kai to Taehyun, both walking downstairs to go home. Taehyun shooked his head as a response and Huening Kai just nodded.

As they arrived downstairs, Mother Choi, Father Choi, Yeonjun and Beomgyu are already eating. Huening Kai didn't looked at the dinner table, which Taehyun immediately noticed.

He brushed off that thought, then greeted Huening Kai's parent.

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Choi!" Taehyun greeted, which made Huening Kai shocked. Mother Choi and Father Choi didn't even spare a glance at him, they continued on eating as if no one greeted them.

"What the hell..?"

Taehyun internally cursed, they didn't even mind greeting back. He feels angry but he feels like he doesn't have to, since he's only a visitor.

Exiting the mansion, Huening Kai walked with Taehyun until he reached the seventh street light from their mansion.

"Kai? Are you okay?" Taehyun inquired, looking at Huening Kai who was tearing up. Huening Kai just shooked his head and started sniffing.

The elder walked closer to him. Taehyun pulled the other closer then gently removed Huening Kai's hand from himself. The younger was crying, his tears were continuously falling as if it is a waterfall.

"I-I don't want you to leave. I'm scared of them.." Huening Kai cried, trying to wipe his tears away. The elder concluded that Huening Kai has a bad relationship with his parents, he just knew starting from the way he acted when both of them went downstairs.

"Do you wanna go somewhere? Do you wanna go to a convenience store?" Taehyun asked, holding Huening Kai between his arms. At first, the younger hesitated, thinking that his parents would curse at him but nodded.

For the first time, he didn't care about his parents' mind.

Taehyun smiled then pulled him to the store.

It was already 6:00pm when they reached Yoongi's store. Taehyun knew that his hyung owns the store reason why he visits often.

"My hyung owns this store, so I often get discounts." Taehyun shared, giggling, his Yoongi-hyung couldn't resist him at all.

Huening Kai giggled at the other giggle, it was contagious.

They entered the place and saw a lot of food and snacks. It seems that it was just restocked minutes ago.

"What do you want? I'll pay for you!" Taehyun insisted, which made Huening Kai smile too. Everything of Taehyun just makes him smile. "Okay," he smiled, walking through stalls of snacks.

After picking what they want to eat, they both sat down and prepared. Both of them bought a cup noodles and a soda.

It was quiet while they were preparing, there were no people around. After preparing the noodles, both let it sat.

"How are you feeling now, Kai?" Taehyun suddenly asked, which startled the other. Huening Kai tried to speak but nothing came out. He felt like his voice dissolve.

"Hey, hey! You don't have to force yourself. It's okay." The elder consoled, smiling. Huening Kai nodded and listened as Taehyun started telling stories.

The whole time, Huening Kai was smiling. He didn't realize how bright he was smiling when he saw Taehyun smiling at him too.

"Your smile is cute, I like it." Taehyun complimented, which made Huening Kai's face turned beet red. He isn't used to any compliments.

"Alright, it's ready!" Taehyun exclaimed, removing the cup's lid. He also removed Huening Kai's cup lid and gave him a separated chopstick.

"Should I take you home?" Taehyun asked, stretching his arms in air. Huening Kai pulled his left sleeve and glanced at his watch.

"Uh.. no need.. it's already 7:50pm.." the younger replied, earning a nod from Taehyun.

"Alrighty! Get home safety, Kai." Taehyun spoke, smiling at Huening Kai. "You can go ahead and walk, I'll watch you from here." He added, leaning at the street light.

Huening Kai hesitated but followed Taehyun's words.

"See you.. tomorrow!" Huening Kai with all voice, exclaimed. The elder smiled and nodded, he waved good bye.

Huening Kai walked and walked until Taehyun had vanished from his vision.

He went home, smiling and blushing deeply.

Returning home, Huening Kai noticed that the mansion is already dark. They already turned off all the lights. Fortunately, Yeonjun and Beomgyu was waiting for him by their door.

"Come on, don't worry, mommy invited someone here so she wouldn't notice you." Beomgyu informed the younger, acquiring a nod from Yeonjun as a correct information. Huening Kai smiled, then the three of them silently walked upstairs.

"... thanks.." the youngest muttered, earning a thumbs up from Yeonjun and a wide smile from Beomgyu.

He was fortunate that he survived his mother's verbal abuse but not safe from the things he is hearing from the other room.

"Oh yes— there, there!"

"No... no.." his eyes were filled with fear, his hands were trembling. Just earlier he was so happy, what's happening now?

All night, all he could hear was his mother and the guy he brought with him. It didn't made him sleep, he was crying and shaking the whole night.

"Give me a rest.. please..."

It was 2:37am when the moans turned down, with a puffy eyes, Huening Kai slept.

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