"Nervous. I just want my baby to be okay. I know you are the best option for this so I trust you to fix my babies heart." Megan says.

"Megan, I will do everything I can to make sure your baby is health and stays in there as long as possible."

Soon the nurses come in and get Megan to take to the operation room.
I went to get myself ready as well. Quickly I threw my hair into double braids and put on my scrub cap. Then I started to scrub/wash my fingers, hands, and arms. This was oddly one of my favorite things to do before surgery. It allowed me to run through my plan quietly one last time.

As I finished up, I walked through the doors and one of my scrub nurses helped me get my gown on and gloves as well. After I was clothed and gowned properly, I went over to Megan and started the surgery. During a previous check up, I noticed the baby's heart wasn't sounding right. So I ran some tests and found the baby had a defect. After waiting for the baby to be a little further alone, I am now able to go in and fix up this baby's heart.

I tend to listen to very calm relaxing music while I work. It helps me stay focused. Once I started in on the heart, I was able to find the defect quickly. The nurses were handing me my needed tools left and right so I could do this smoothly.

After I finished fixing up the baby's heart I noticed some extra blood coming from somewhere. Megan had a tear, so I quickly was able to find the area, stop the bleed, and make sure everything else was fine. After looking thoroughly everything was great. I closed her, and stitched her up making sure to leave very minimal scaring. "I want extra monitoring on the baby over the next 12 hours. Just for precaution please." I state.

I left the nurses to do the rest of taking her to recovery. I stripped of my gown, gloves, and shoe covers. I was a few minutes over than I wanted to be but better safe then sorry.

I quickly got back to my office and then made my way down to Sharon. "Hi! Sorry I'm a few minutes late. You ready for lunch?" I asked her.

"Oh dear you do not apologize. Your job is more important. Anyways, yes let's go get some food."

We made our way to the cafeteria. I grabbed a turkey sandwich and a salad with some sweet tea. "I'm assuming the surgery went well?" She asked.

"Yes. Everything is great. Both should make full recovery!" I tell her.

"Oh that it wonderful. Have you ever thought about adopting?" She asked.

"Yeah, actually I have. I don't know I guess I'm just waiting for the perfect moment to fully know like this is the child that is suppose to be in your life. You know?" I state.

"I get it. I think when the day and times comes, you'll be a fantastic mother." She says.

"How do you know I won't turn out like my parents?" I asked.

"My sweet Athena, look at the field you are in. And look at your specialties. You work with mothers and children because you want them to have a wonderful life. I see how you are with kids. Do not let what your parents did to you and your brother make you afraid of adopting a kid. How knows, you may save a child from a horrible home life." She says.

And as if the fates were pushing and rooting for my side, my pager goes off as a 911. I apologize to Sharon quickly and run out of the cafeteria into the ER. Sitting there is a little girl around 2 years old covered in bruises and has some blood.
"Talk to me." I state.

"The house was on fire. Both parents were found dead. She was hiding in a closet. The neighbors called hearing screaming and yelling from inside. And then it went up in flames." The paramedic says.

"Does she has a name?" I ask.

"She won't talk to us." He says.

"Okay I'll try then." I say walking over to the little girl. She has beautiful green eyes. I try to use my omega powers on her to provide comfort and a feeling of safety. When I get closer I notice a bond form between us. Similar to papa and me. So maybe she's my soul daughter?

"Hello there princess. I'm Athena. You are safe here okay? Can you tell me your name?" I ask placing my hand on the bed next to her.

"J-j-jasmme" she stutters out.

"Jasmine? That's your name?" I ask back.

She nods her head.
"Okay, jasmine, can you tell me or show me what hurts?" I ask softly.

She then points to her head. And stomach. "Okay sweetie, I'm going to take a look is that okay?" She just nods again.

I softly press around her belly and she whimpers. She had some tenderness around her abdomen. I order a scan to get her head and stomach it looked at for more internal injuries.

"Jasmine. I'm going to take great care of you okay sweetie."


As the nurses take care of her, I here a social worker talking to the police officers. "She will need to go into the foster system. And I'll start looking for families wanting to adopt." She says.

"Umm excuse me ma'am, sorry to be listening in. But what would I need to do to adopt her myself?" I ask.

"Well we would need to run a background check, make sure your home would be suitable, financially you'd be secured. And asking her." The social worker says.

"Can we do those things please? I have a spare room the empty and could get it fixed up 2 days time if I knew this was a for sure thing I was getting her." I say.

"Yes, well why don't we continue discussing this. You seem very determined to have this little girl." She says.

"Yes, well it's just a feeling that she belongs with me. I guess." I say. I know for sure Jasmine is my soul daughter. I can just feel it.

"I understand. You wouldn't be the first woman to make that comment."

We continued talking for a while on what needed to happen. After we finished I checked on Jasmine to make sure she was okay. The social worker said I could ask if she wanted to stay with me after 2 days of being hospitalized. So that is what I'm doing now.

"Jasmine sweetie." I say softly. She looks up at me with sad eyes. "I have a question. Were you parents mean to you?" I ask.

She just nods her head.
"I know it may seem soon but do you feel safe with me?"

She nods her head again.
"Jasmine. This next question I need a vocal answer. Do you want to come home with me? And me become your new mommy? You would be safe and no one could hurt you anymore." I ask.

She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Can I acuwey go home wit you?" She asked.

"If you want to. There's some things I'd have to do first and you have to stay here for 2 days to make sure you aren't sick anymore okay?" I ask.


"Okay sweetie. I'll see what I can do okay. I'll come see you soon. You get some sleep." I say.

She slowly closes her eyes. As I walk out of the room I see Sharon smiling over at me. "I gave that social worker a good word for you by the way."

"Oh Sharon thank you" I say.

"Go home, I'll make sure your best nurses are watching over her tonight." She says.

"Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow."

I grab my things and head home. As I'm driving home I receive a text from the social worker saying to go ahead and get the room ready since I passed all the back ground checks. Typically this doesn't happen so fast, but since she is so young, and I am well know around here, it has helped speed up the process.

I stop at the store and start to buy everything she will need. I get everything and also pay for a delivery truck to be there tomorrow morning. I don't have to go in till later so I'll have Sam help me. Shit. Which reminds me, I need to tell him.

Well this is gonna be a fun evening.

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