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"Are you hungry?" Sunghoon asked while they're walking.

"Kind of, since we didn't eat earlier"

"Then let's eat first"

Sunghoon dragged Heeseung inside a famous and fancy restaurant inside the mall. The foods there are too pricey to the point that there are only few people inside. And that's actually one of the reason why Sunghoon picked that restaurant.

As they enter, they immediately found a seat and sat infront of each other.

They picked the food first before calling the waiter to take their orders. It did not take that long til it arrives.

They just ate quietly but Sunghoon managed to break the tension between the two of them. He started a conversation and hoped that Heeseung won't feel awkward or anything. And to be honest, Heeseung really enjoyed that.


"What are we going to do today?" Heeseung asked. They just got out of the restaurant and heading somewhere.

"We don't have proper stocks inside the house so we'll buy groceries, then let's go shopping for clothes. Then go home"

Just like what Sunghoon said, they went to the grocery first.

Sunghoon took a cart then Heeseung is the one who's pushing it while Sunghoon is behind him, holding onto the cart as well and caging Heeseung between his arms.

"What thing do we need first?" Heeseung asked.

"Cereals. You often eat cereals everytime you're not in the mood to eat, so let's get that first" Sunghoon said and pushed the cart, making Heeseung move as well.

"How'd you know that?" Heeseung asked as they headed towards the cereals' section.

"I just know" Sunghoon said as they stopped walking once they reached the section. Heeseung just shrugged it off.

Maybe his mom told Sunghoon about it.

"Let's get this, this, and this" Sunghoon mumbled as he put three big boxes of cereals into the cart which are; corn flakes, cookie crisp and fruit loops. All of them are Heeseung's favorites, especially the corn flakes.

"Wait, those are my favorites"

"I know, that's why I picked those"

"But what about yours?"

"I'll just look for it"

They just continued looking for some more and stayed there for a few minutes. Heeseung's just quietly looking around when a memory flashed in his mind.

"Heeseungie!" A child called a six years old Heeseung.

"Oh, hi, Hoonhoon!"

"Do you want to eat with me? I'm eating my favorite breakfast!"

"Sure– what are those things?'

"Oh, these are granola mixed with yogurt and berries!"

"And that one?" Heeseung pointed at the bowl on the side full of some sort of crackers or maybe cereals.

"Cinnamon toast crunch, one of my favorite cereal too! You know what, you should know my favorites because I know your favorites too" The kid pouted. Heeseung giggled as he nodded.

"Hoon– what?" Heeseung mumbled. He looked at Sunghoon who's busy looking for cereal. Then a cereal box caught his attention. He immediately grabbed it and showed it to Sunghoon.

"Isn't this your favorite?" Heeseung asked. Sunghoon looked at him with eyes full of surprise, even Heeseung is surprised by what he said.

"Y-yeah, that's my favorite cereal"

"Mhm, then let's buy this– and this one as well" Heeseung placed boxes of cinnamon toast crunch and granola.

"I think we're done with the cereals now?" Heeseung asked. Sunghoon hummed as he nodded.

"Let's buy chips? Pretty please?"

"Alright, alright"

Heeseung then dragged Sunghoon along with the cart where the shelves full of chips and different kinds of junk foods are.

Heeseung tapped Sunghoon's arm, gesturing him to put his hand away so he can pick and get the foods he like.

Heeseung stated getting lots of chips to Sunghoon's dismay.

"Hey, hey, that's too many" Sunghoon warned when Heeseung placed the tenth bag of chips in the cart.

"Nope, not yet" Heeseung said. He ignored Sunghoon and continued getting some more.

Sunghoon sighed and took his phone out to call his mom and tell her to send two to three maids with a driver so that they could carry all the things they'll buy.

"You called someone?" Heeseung asked after putting probably the fifteenth bag in the cart, and there's one more in his arms.

"Yeah, I called mom. I told her to send some maids here"

"For what?"

"So they can help us carrying these, we still have lots of things to buy"

"We can carry it though?"

"You think I will let you carry stuffs? No. Now, let's continue"

After a few minutes, the three maids arrived with the driver. Sunghoon told them what they needed to do and gave them money and grocery list. Yes, he has a grocery list. He made that last night, just to make sure they'll get everything they need because the grocery list he made in his head is full of his and Heeseung's favorite foods.

"Uh, what are we doing here?" Heeseung asked. They're currently walking towards a pet shop, just inside the mall as well. This is the last on Sunghoon's list. Groceries, done. Shopping, done.

"To buy dog foods"

"For what?"

"Obviously for dogs" Sunghoon stated as he held a basket in his hands. He started taking the dog foods he knew he'll needed.

"No, I mean like for what? For who?"

"My dog"

"You have a dog?"

"Yes, I do. I'm planning to bring her in the house, I'm pretty sure you're not allergic to dogs and I'm pretty sure you love dogs"

"Uh-huh! I love dogs!"

"Alright. Before we go home later, we're going to get her at our parents' house"

"Okay!" Heeseung said with a big smile. Sunghoon smiled as well as he continued putting some dog foods and some multiple toys in the basket.

Once he's done with it, he walked towards the cashier with Heeseung. He placed the basket on the counter and waited for the cashier to finish. And that's where he noticed that some boys and girls are staring at Heeseung.

"Dude, look at him. He's pretty, so hot and sexy" Sunghoon heard the guy whispered at the other side of the counter. He scoffed as he gently pulled Heeseung closer.

"Why?" Heeseung innocently asked. Sunghoon shook his head and placed his hand on Heeseung's waist protectively and possessively.

"Hey, you good?" Heeseung asked when he noticed that Sunghoon is frowning.

"I'm good"

"Are you angry?"

"I'm not"

"But your face says otherwise"

"I'm not angry, Heeseung" Sunghoon sternly said. Heeseung pouted and crossed his arms as he looked away.

Sunghoon called the driver once the cashier is done. He made the driver carry all the bags and before they left the pet store, he gave the guy a glare who's talking about Heeseung earlier.

The guy just complimented Heeseung but Sunghoon felt wrong. He felt a little...... jealous and possessive towards Heeseung.

He should be the only one who can compliment Heeseung like that. Only him.


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