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"Sunghoon! Hello!" Heejin waved at Sunghoon when he saw the guy after going out of the car. Heeseung was left inside alone.

"Hello, Mrs. Lee" Sunghoon greeted and respectfully lowered his head.

"Aigoo, don't call me that, it's too formal! Just call me mom, aight?" Heejin said with a smile. Sunghoon smiled back and nodded. But that smile faded after noticing something.

"Where's Heeseung?" Sunghoon asked. He didn't notice Heeseung around. And that's when Heejin decided to tease him a bit.

"Wait, Heeseung? I thought you two are going here together? You agreed last night" Heejin said. She looked so concerned and worried for Heeseung which made Sunghoon's heart beat faster.

"But.. I thought you picked him up? I saw him with his best friend earlier and he entered a car by himself" Sunghoon said, his voice laced with worries now.

"What's going on here?" Hanseung asked, noticing how Sunghoon look so worried.

"I was just teasing you! Heeseung's at the car" Heejin said. Sunghoon let out a relieved sigh.

"God, I was thinking if something bad happened to Heeseung" Sunghoon said, followed by his laugh.

"I forgot to tell Heeseung about you two going here together so we have to pick him up. Anyways, can you get him in the car?"

"Of course" Sunghoon said and headed towards the car.

Heeseung, on the other side, panicked after seeing Sunghoon walking towards the car. He immediately made himself comfortable and pretended to sleep, he was tired anyway.

"Oh..." Sunghoon mumbled after seeing Heeseung sleeping as soon as he opened the door.

"Yah, wake up" Sunghoon rudely said. Heeseung's brows furrowed as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Wake up and get inside, sleep there" Sunghoon coldly said and left Heeseung on the car.

"God, he's so rude for what?" Heeseung mumbled, asking himself as he grab his bag and went out of the car.

"Heeseung, hello!" Sungyeon greeted and hugged Heeseung gently.

"Hello, Mrs.–"


"M-mom. Hello, mom!"

"Much better! Anyways, Sunghoon! Come here!" Sungyeon mumbled. Sunghoon looked at them as he walked towards them.

"Why? I was helping them" Sunghoon said, getting at the men who were carrying big boxes inside the house, along with some big suitcases.

"Oh, you don't have to! We're paying them well enough for them to do their job properly, they're just carrying boxes anyway" Sungyeon shrugged.

"Let's go inside, shall we?" Sungyeon held bot of Heeseung and Sunghoon's wrist, pulling them inside.

There's a big gate outside and obviously, the house is big too. Maybe too big for the two of them but who knows? They might build a family soon. Might.

The kitchen, dining room living room and extra bathroom are located downstairs.

There's a total of five rooms upstairs. Four rooms are still empty but it could be an office, study room or another bedroom. And lastly, the master's bedroom.

It's the biggest amongst the other rooms. There's a big wide bed in the middle of the room, a side table on each side of the bed, a large television attached to the wall just infront of the bed, a shelf on the side, a study table, two doors for the bathroom and walk-in closet then there's a sliding door to go to the veranda.

"We won't sleep together, right?" Heeseung asked. It's safe to ask such questions right now since it's only the two of them.

"No, I'm sure you don't want to sleep with me as well"

"Not that I don't want to, it's just uncomfortable since we don't really know each other"


"I guess I'll just take this room" Heeseung mumbled to himself as he opened one door, revealing an empty room. It's not big as the master's bedroom but it's big enough for Heeseung.

"Heeseung" Sunghoon called. Heeseung just hummed as he is busy looking at the space inside the empty room.

"Yah, did you not hear me or something?" Sunghoon's brows furrowed as he stood behind Heeseung.

"I heard you"

"Psh, whatever. Anyways, I'm taking that room" Sunghoon said and pointed at the room just infront of the room that Heeseung picked.

"Okay, then. But can you help me telling mom and dad about it?"

"Sure, but come with me"

Heeseung and Sunghoon then headed downstairs to the kitchen where both of their parents are.

"Mom, dad" Sunghoon called. Unfortunately, both of their parents looked at him.

"Yeah?" Sungyeon asked.

"Heeseung and I don't have to sleep together, right?"

"You should but if you don't want to, then don't" Hoonyeong said.

"But, Heeseung–" Heejin spoke up but Heeseung cut her off.

"It's fine, mom"

"Why does Heeseung wants to sleep in the same room?" Sungyeon asked.

"No, mom. I'm actually the one who said that we'll sleep in different rooms for the meantime" Heeseung said.

"Why? What for? You know you're–"

"Mom" Heeseung called with a serious tone that made Heejin stop.

"Okay, okay"

"Why? What's wrong?" Sungyeon asked, looking at Heejin and Heeseung.

"It's nothing. By the way, when can we arrange the house? It's still a bit messy" Heeseung changed the topic so quickly which Sunghoon noticed but didn't really paid attention to it.

"Well, you guys still have school so maybe at weekends? I'm sure you two won't like to skip a day at school just to arrange the house"

"But we can absent, right?" Sunghoon asked.

"Of course, you can. It's just a day"

"Alright, then. Heeseung and I won't attend school at Friday, we will start arranging the house"

"Yeah, sure. No problem. Anyways, we bought foods. Let's eat dinner!"

All of them sat around the dining table, eating and laughing together.

However, Heeseung looks a bit bothered.

"Hey, you good there?" Sunghoon whispered. Luckily, they're sitting next to each other.

"H-huh? Yeah, of course. Why?"

"Nothing but you seem a bit off. Is there something wrong?"

"N-no, I'm fine"

"You sure?"

"Yeah" Heeseung gave a small smile to reassure him. Sunghoon just sighed as he nodded and tried giving their parents some attention but seems like his attention is focused on Heeseung.

Heeseung and Heeseung only.


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