Chapter 21 - Eternity [pt.1]

Start from the beginning

He punched my face and I stumbled back and grabbed my nose as blood streamed down my nostrils. "Go to your room if you know what's good for you" he glared down at me. I stayed silent not wanting to add more.

I rushed to my room and closed the door silently not wanting to wake up any of my siblings. This has happened many times before. To the point it ended up waking everyone up and sleeping at 4am. It wasn't pleasant. There was no way I wanted to repeat history. Who could win that old man? Nothing gets through his thick skull.

I grabbed tissues and rubbed the blood off of my nose. I don't want to be here tonight. I thought to myself as I grabbed a pack of cigarettes I stole from my father. I opened my window and climbed out the window onto the roof. I slowly climbed down and landed in the bushes. I looked up and squinted my eyes seeing the light still on in Y/n's room and a silhouette of her.


I wiped my tears away feeling sick in my stomach. Why didn't she tell me? Sure she's always been awful but that doesn't have an excuse to not care for your mother right? I stood up and took off my clothing and got into something comfortable.

I heard clanking on my window, causing me to flinch. I finished putting on my shirt and hesitantly opened the curtain to see Michael with a handful of rocks. I smiled and
lifted my window up. My eyes caught some blood that was smudged against his nose and upper lip. "What happened to your nose?" My elbows sat on the railing of the window as my hands rested on my chin "Fell on the floor" he chuckled "Come down!" he motioned with his hands.

I thought about it for a second. Mourn in my room all night or go with my boyfriend? I think we both know the answer to that. I gave him a thumbs up and grabbed my jacket and put on my sneakers. I sat on the edge of the window seeing no way of being able to climb down.

"Jump i'll catch you!" he opened his arms as he came right under me. "I don't know mike" I looked back at my room and back at him "I promise" he smiled. I sighed one last time before jumping out the window.

Michael caught me bridal style and smiled at me "See? That wasn't so bad" "It's still terrifying" he sets me down. "So what's up?" "Let's talk somewhere safer" he held my hand as we ran out from the side of the house onto the sidewalk, I stumbled a couple of times trying to keep up with his pace.

After a few feet down the road we stopped running, catching our breaths "I wanted to get out of my house.. I hope you don't mind" he held his head down low. He stuck his hands in the pockets of his jacket and kicked a pebble " I don't. I wanted an out as well" I felt the same pit of anxiety in my stomach remembering me and my mothers encounter.

"Wanna talk about it?" I nodded my head as we sat down on a bench near the playground structure. I fidgeted with my fingers. An anxious feeling overflowed my stomach and heart. I hate this feeling. It made my stomach turn. It made me feel cold. "My.. m-my mum has lung c-cancer.." I held back tears and held onto the fabric of my pajamas. "I-i'm so sorry.. that's awful.." he placed his hand on my back and stroked down and up.

I didn't feel like crying anymore. I didn't want to cry right now. I blinked my eyes trying to stop the tears from flowing down my face. I felt so guilty. I hated it. "It's okay to cry.." he softly said as he placed both arms around my body and pulled me towards his chest.

That broke me. Tears rolled down my face as a few whines came out of my mouth. I sniffled as I held onto him tightly. He stroked my back, giving me some sort of comfort in the moment. After a fun day, it was ended with terrible news. My parents never brought it up to me. For what reason?

I had so many questions running through my mind, I wanted all of them to be answered, to end my confusion. "You're okay.. I'm here with you" he whispered sweet nothings close to my ear. The tears dried on my cheek leaving an uncomfortable feeling. Some ended up between my lips, leaving a salty taste in my tastebuds.

My eyes were red and puffy. This is not how I expected to end the night. Michael cupped my face and brushed the remaining tears out of my face. "You're a very strong person. I hope you know that I admire you a lot. You're smart, beautiful, and you can take anything the world gives to you" he smiled.

His smile brought a sense of comfort over me. With Michael He always brought a sense of safe and comfort over me. I was able to be myself around him and open up to him. It made me feel like a secret garden filled with butterflies. He kissed every part of my face, he still smelled like cheap cologne and I loved it.

I leaned my head against the crook of his neck as he ran his fingers through my hair. "I'm sure your mother is just as strong as you" He lifted me up and sat me on his lap as he leaned back against the cold bench. I curled up like a porcupine in his arms. It felt safe and warm.

I never thought I would feel this feeling from someone. I've always felt something similar with my father but it was never this strong before. I felt unfamiliar to many emotions that Michael managed to make me feel. It was always a euphoric feeling with him and I loved it.

I felt my breathing slow down as I looked at the pill bugs crawling towards the wet grass. "i'm sorry" I mumbled out. I felt ashamed and guilty for myself. I didn't come here to talk about my problems.. it felt like it was always me having to vent and I hated it.

"Sorry for what love?" he caressed my cheek with the back of his hand "I didn't mean for this to happen" my voice broke a bit as I played with the thread of his shirt. "You don't need to apologize. That's what I'm here for. To love you. Protect you. Be here with you. Support you. There's nothing else I'd rather do then be here and comfort you.. don't feel bad about this. It brings me joy to be able to comfort you. It's an honor for me to comfort you in situations like this. I hope you know how much I truly love you y/n. There's nothing I would trade the world to just spend a moment with you. Even for a second." he kissed my forehead.

I felt myself wanting to sob over his words. How did a girl like me get lucky with a guy like him? "I love you so much Michael" "I love you more" he chuckled as he held me closer.

We stayed like this for a few moments till I broke the silence "Are you doing okay though?" I looked up at his half lidded electric blue eyes. He stayed silent for a moment before responding "yeah.. i'm okay" I felt his heart beating fast "You can tell me Michael, I know there's something bothering you" he sighed and held his head down low before responding "I can't.." his grip tightened around me. I placed my hand on his cheek "How come?" "I'm afraid i'll lose you" he mumbled. A tear fell down his cheek "Michael, you couldn't possibly lose me" I sat up and hugged him tightly, he did the same.

"My father is a murder"


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