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I didn't know what time it was when I woke up, but it was dark, the whole dorm was asleep. Mattheo in his bed, Regulus in the other. Mattheo, he had come back, he came back. He told me I would see him here and I have. Of course I was going to. I just didn't know where we stood.

If this were any other night, I would have gotten in with him and hugged him, he would hug me in the night and I would feel secure, warm and... safe. But I was worried if I did that now, it would only piss him off.

Instead I sat by the window, rolling a cigarette and lit it. It was rather clear tonight, it would have been perfect for stargazing. Mattheo. I could feel where I had been crying, my eyes were irritated.

I finished my last huff of smoke and closed the window but before I could take another step into the room Regulus turned over, and over. Then again.

"No, stop." He murmured, I stood still. "Stop, please." He whispered again and rolled over. I stepped closer to my bed, but his breathing grew so loud. Nightmares.

"No, no, please. Stop." He said a little louder and I rushed to his side.

"Regulus, it's just a dream. Please, it's just a dream." I whisper and his eyes flicker open. They're wide and fear stricken and lined with tears.

"Y/n. Oh my god." He breathed and sat up, pulling his knees to his chest. He was terrified.

"Shh, hey it's okay. Just a bad dream, your safe." I soothe and Regulus rests his head on his knee caps.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to, I- I..." He trails off and I sit on his bed.

"Don't be sorry, it's okay. It's over, don't worry." I tried to calm him down and he nods, looking up at me and smiling over his wet face.  "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, you're right. Bad dream."

"Come on, lie down." I say and he does what he's told. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask and he shakes his head softly.

"Not at all." It must have been bad.

"Thats okay, we can talk about something else in stead." I try and think of a subject. "There's a party in a few days, wanna go with me. Theres always booze and dancing, should be fun." I say and Regulus is smiling at me.

"Sure, I'd love to go." I smile back and stand. "You smell of smoke Y/n, how long were you awake before you came to me." He says and He takes hold of my hand which rests on my lap which is ice cold.

"Not long, I just woke up, had a smoke and heard you tossing when I was going back to bed, is all.

"I see. You're freezing Y/n."

"Yeah, I don't even know why, I don't feel cold." That was a complete lie, I always felt bloody freezing.

"Come here, darling." He says softly and opens the covers, without even thinking. I get in gently and at first we stay separate, then Regulus breaks the silence. "Come on." And he opens his arms and I slide in. He's so warm and soft. I can't believe I was ever cold. "Feel better?"

"Much, thank you." I whisper and he puts his chin on my head. "I should get back to my own bed though." I interject.

"No you shouldn't."

"Why not?"

"You'll freeze."

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