What Came Out of the Woods.

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I kept walking, if I kept walking I guess I would eventually find my way back to mine and Mattheo's dorm but I headed out to the courtyard instead. I was crying. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. I should have just stayed in the dorm, then I never would have run into Jacob, Draco and Enzo.

I just wanted to get out, I wanted to breathe for once, I needed to have this weight lifted from my chest, the weed wasn't working its usual charm. I don't know why but the tears kept coming and coming and coming.

And I think it was for this reason that I found my way walking towards the Forbidden forest. Because if I went in there now.

No one would find my body.

I trailed further and further towards the edge of the wood and began to weave in and out of the towering trees. This was a stupid idea. Idiot, idiot, idiot. I didn't know what was lurking out here, but for some reason. For some strange reason, for a reason I couldn't explain, I wasn't afraid of any of it. The only thing I was afraid of was leaving Mattheo. Damn that boy, at this point in time, he was the only hook I had on the lifeline which was wearing thin. I stopped looking at my feet and looked up and turned around. I couldn't do this to him, I couldn't leave him alone in the world. We have other friends sure, but I promised him:

You couldn't get rid of me no matter how hard you tried.

I promised, I promised, I couldn't leave him, not after his parents had fucked up. I looked up but was greeted with the same dark wood I had been facing before. I began to spin. Fuck, where is the castle? I hadn't been walking for that long, had I? Shit.

I began to run, that's when I heard it. A loud snap of twigs from my left. I spun to see a figure sprawled on the floor, their white shirt fluorescent in the moonlight.

He was unconscious, I looked around frantically. Where had he come from? I crouched down to his face, his features were all proportional and slender, like he hadn't eaten in a while and his curly black hair fell in front of his forehead. His long limbs curled around him, like he was trying to keep warm. His face was relaxed, his eyes shut, like he was sleeping. He was rather handsome.

"You awake?" I whispered then moved to prod his shoulder. "Hey, wake up, we have to go!" I said a little louder, my voice lined with urgency.

Suddenly he sprang to life, he was on his feet in a second, whilst I still crouched on the floor beneath him. He was almost a foot taller than me when I stood up. He lunged for me and tackled me to the ground, who the hell did he think he was?!

He rested his knees on my elbows so I couldn't claw at him, he pressed his weight on me and it was official. I couldn't move.

"Who the fuck are you are you?! Where am I?" He seethed, teeth clenched together and I'll admit, I wanted to laugh and in any other circumstances, I would have. But we needed to go. Now.

"We need to go, get the fuck off me." I stated, I was going to elaborate but he drew a small dagger from the belt on his side and held it high.

"Where am I?" he said a little harder and moved it to my neck.

I didn't have time for this. We had to get out of here. As he learned to no doubt ask me another question, I head-butted him and he fell backwards. I was bleeding from my forehead. He slashed the blade at my mid section and I moved, he nicked the edge of my rib through my shirt and I screamed. All kinds of monsters and creatures must've heard that. Shit, shit, shit.

I grabbed a rock and thumped him over the head. And he dropped to the floor. I felt myself grow weary, I turned to run but made the mistake of looking over my shoulder at the wounded boy. He looked about my age, I came to the conclusion I couldn't leave him here. I grabbed his arm and tried to haul him over my shoulder. Why the fuck did I leave my wand in the dorm?

I don't know if it was the weed or the blood loss but I was feeling weaker by the second. We were in the corridor when I heard footsteps, I looked up to see the light of a torch coming our way.

"Help." I said weekly before both the boy and I collapsed on the stone floor, right in the middle of the deserted hallway.

Worlds CollideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora