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Mattheo and I made our way into an empty carriage still chuckling.

"I can't believe he didn't recognise you." He laughed.

"I'd think after all these years of the relentless teasing, he'd at least remember my face." I sat down opposite Mattheo by the window. "Should I be offended?" I joked and Mattheo shook his head with a smile.

"Well, you do look gorgeous darling, seriously Y/n you've grown up." He said smoothly and I looked at the floor.

"Why thank you kind sir."

Mattheo and I had been bestfriends since his first year. Ever since we met at the sorting ceremony.

"How was your summer?" I ask and he sighs.

"Alright I guess. Mum and Dad are still bonkers and since I couldn't visit you in the muggle world it was pretty dull. Dinner and boring meetings for my parents. They're such drags. In all honesty Y/n, your letters were the only thing keeping me sane in that house, they're physically there but I feel like they haven't actually looked at me in years." he said and I nodded.

Mattheo was about to start speaking when the door of the carriage swung open and in walked Jacob, Lorenzo and Theodore. Mattheo and I straighten up, no longer as informal.

"Y/n, Mattheo." Lorenzo acknowledged as he entered and they all sat down. All three of them scowled at me, they weren't even being subtle about it, they always did hate me... Like I gave a fuck.

"How was your summer?" asked Jacob and I nodded. He only asked because he was sitting beside me. He also had been trying to get in my knickers since the beginning of last year. Pathetic.

"Fun." I answered and Theodore scoffed, "Got something to say, have you?" I sneered and he twisted his head to glare at me.

"You spent the summer in muggle towns getting high with the local scum!" He snapped at me and I rolled my eyes. Lorenzo and Jacob glared at me after the word 'muggles' came out his mouth, they were both prejudice as fuck. Mattheo didn't seem all surprised, I did write to him this summer after all. I remember seeing Theodore by coincidence when I was staying in the muggle village. I guess he hadn't forgotten.

"What's your point, Nott? Let me hear it, like I care what you think anyway."

"My point is that because you couldn't visit Mattheo you spent the whole six weeks flounting yourself about for muggle prats, just for some weed. They were just trying to fuck you, Y/n. You call that fun?" He lectured and I spat at his feet.

"Watch your mouth, Nott." Mattheo warned.

"Why Mattheo? Are you mad you're getting a filthy muggles seconds. I-" he didn't finish what he was going to say because I stood up and punched his mouth. I watched a tooth spring from his mouth and hit the floor. Blood trickled down his chin rather quickly and he groaned.

"I did a lot of thinking over the summer." I said and pulled his head back to look at me, his eyes were laced with hate.

"I would rather slam my tongue in a train car door than listen to your whining for another fucking second, Nott, so do us all a favour and keep your mouth shut." Jacob and Lorezo were too stunned to speak, I guess I had changed from the girl they thought they knew.

I grabbed my bag and left the carriage, I left the door open as Mattheo followed after me.

"I told you to watch your mouth Nott, literally." He muttered and followed me down the hall into another empty carriage. I sat down and he sat beside me. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. I noticed I still had Theo's blood on my hand.

"I fucking hate those Assholes." I muttered, disgusted.

"I know. I know Y/n." He sighed, "Nice punch by the way."

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