A Little Different.

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*Draco POV*

"Wait, you did what?!" Asked Pansy. Even Blaise had put his book down to listen to what I just said.

"I accidentally flirted with Y/l/n." I said, feeling disgusted with myself. I tried to shake it off.
"How? Even for you mate, you've gotta have some self restraint." Added Pansy, Blaise laughed a little.

"Well she came up behind me asking for Riddle but I didn't realize it was her. She looked different, more grown up. She's had a severe glow up, it's like shes a fucking new person." I defended myself and Blaise scoffed.

"She can't have changed so much that you didn't recognise her. It's been six weeks, not six months." He protested.

"You have no idea Blaise! I didn't realize it was her until Mattheo came and hugged her. she's different, more confident, more than she ever was with the past 5 years combined." I added, relieving the incident in my head.

"I don't believe you mate. She's small, quiet and won't do shit when we take her books or won't do anything if we burn her quill." Pansy stated and I shook my head.

"Nah mate, I'm telling you. She told me to 'shut it' to my face and fucking flirted with me just to throw me off." Pansy and Blaised laughed at that.

"Aww did the little girl hurt your feelings, Draco?" He teased, Pansy sat up a little straighter.

"Maybe we just have to put her back in her place then." She said with a grin on her face.

"Why would she even change that much though?" Inquired Blaise and we all looked over at him.

"What do you mean?" asked Pansy.

"Well if she really has changed as much as Draco claims she has, and she is a threat. Why would she have changed from the shy girl who lets us take her books and avoids us in the halls?"

"I don't know what happened, but I think Miss Y/l/n has had quite the rebellious summer," said Pansy.

"A changed woman?" I ask, a small smirk plastered on my face.

"No clue." Pansy and Blaise said in unison.

At that moment Lorenzo, Jacob and Theo passed our car and I swear,  Theo had blood sticking out his mouth in a thick steam down his chin.

They opened the door and walked in.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Pansy asked.

"Y/n happened!" Theodore snapped and they all sat down.

"She hit you?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Yeah, it was brilliant." Jacob laughed and Lorenzo kicked him. Pansy giggled. Blaise handed him his handkerchief to mop up the blood.

"Looks like she's got a solid punch too." Blaise chuckled.

"Who's side are you on, I don't even know why Mattheo hangs out with that freak!" Theo snapped.

"I'm just saying, maybe the girls got more balls than we thought." Blaise added.

"We are talking about the same girl here. Y/n. The girl who keeps her head down and always wears her hair in fucking braids?" Pansy asked.

"Yes Pansy, it's the same girl!" Lorenzo muttered.

"No, I really don't think it is." We all looked at Jacob and he knew what he was talking about.

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