The Bonfire.

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I walked into camp and put the rabbits on the table and slung my bow off my shoulder and put that down too.

I clutched my injured arm and left to go to the fire. They were all laughing and singing like they did every night. It was beautiful. I laughed loudly.

"Alright Fawn?" Curly laughed as he ran past.

"Ain't it past your bedtime?" I teased and he dashed off, chasing Twins.

"Great, you're back. Peter brought new lads today." Slightly says out of breath, stopping dancing by my side.

"Sound's great and all but I gotta sought this out first." I gesture to my arm and once he sees the blood, his eyes widen.

"Oh god, sorry I didn't see. Want me to help? You can always use a set of extra hands and these fingers are magic." He wiggles his fingers and smiles.

"Nah, I'm good, but thanks. Keep those magic fingers." I laugh and he begins to dance again. I begin to walk towards Peter and my tent but I make it all of two steps before i'm stopped again.

"Fawn, I want you to meet the new lads." It's Peter.

"Yeah, sorry I will but I just gotta sort this out." I say, holding up my hand which is caked in blood and I move past him before he can say another word. It's cold but I am feeling more dizzy by the second.

I walk into the tent and remove the cloth, I hear the tent open and three sets of footsteps follow.

"The pirates are getting closer Peter, that's who did this. We need to do something about it, send a message of some kind. It could have easily been one of the younger boys, Nibs or Twins, that they came across." I say and take off my shirt which is painted with blood. I'm standing in a bra, not caring that my neck, collar bones and chest are littered with hickies Peter gave me last night, But I'm trying to use a clean cloth to wipe all the red off of me. I need to get it off.

"We'll sought that out tomorrow." He says. For some reason his tone of voice, like he's dismissing it, really pisses me off. I turn and see him beside the bed and behind him are two boys. Faces I've never seen before but they're staring right at me.

"What? Have they never seen a girl in a bra before?" I snapped, "It's rude to stare you know." I mutter and turn away from the three of them, and continue to clean my arm which is looking a bit better but hurts like hell.

Peter walks up behind me and I look at his face, which is a little darker, like he's upset.

"You need to listen." He instructs but I shrug him off

"I get these where the new boys Slightly told me about and I know I should be friendlier and not go stripping right in front of them but I'm really not in the mood for pleasantries. And I need you or Felix to stitch up this cut for me so it will heal. So I can finally go kill those pirates because I was almost killed tonight by one of those lowlives and I refuse to let them kill one of us first!" I snap and I see black spots in my vision, i'm breathing heavily and I lean on Peter, if he wasn't standing there i probably would have collapsed.

"Hey, hey, calm down, it's alright Deer. I've got you." He says and I compose myself, annoyed with myself that I snapped like that, especially towards Peter.

"I need to tell you something." He says and I look towards the two figures. They're standing closer now.

One has dark, almost black hair that falls in his face, he's tall and slender and his eyes are just as dark as his hair.

The other is a little taller and a little more muscular, he has shorter brown curly hair and a scar over his eye. Just like Felix.

The first boy steps forward and I give him my direct attention. I'm glad I can feel Peter's presence behind me because their silence is starting to scare me.

"Love, this is Mattheo and Regulus. Our new Lost Boys." Peter says. I'm watching Regulus's eyes tear up and he chuckles.

"You know that scar?" His laugh is deep and familiar, gestures to the long thin white line just below my rib cage. I say nothing.

"I gave it to you." He laughs, the other steps forward.

"And I cleaned it." Says Mattheo.

What have you done Peter?

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