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I walked into breakfast the next morning rather late. Most people were deep in conversation, Mattheo had to go to the library to pick up some books but he said he'd definitely be back before lunch.

I made my way to the Slytherin table and perched on the end of the bench, I felt on edge. I hadn't looked to my left, a little further up the table. I was afraid that they would all be there, looking at me or the boy who tried to kill me would be with them. I finally looked up. The boy wasn't there but all 6 of them were, perfectly in order. Pansy, Jacob and Lorenzo on one side. Blaise, Theo and Draco on the other and they were all looking at me

. I held up my middle finger and they looked down abruptly, I heard Blaise laugh. I wonder what they did after I left. I wonder what they did with him.

"Ah look at what we have here." Sneered a voice, Evan Rosier

"Fuck off Rosier, go find someone else to bother."

"Someone's not very social, that was rude you know." He chuckled, it was a dreadful noise.

"Evan, if you're interested in keeping your teeth intack i suggest you walk away." I was in no mood to put up with this bull shit right now. Of course he didn't know I wasn't the small shy girl I used to be. He was about to find out.

"Mudbloods don't deserve shit, you know that right?" He spat, "I almost feel sorry for Mattheo, having to put up with you all day long. It's out of sympathy, you know." I didn't even look at him. "Rumor has it, you found something in the woods last night." He continued, and that caught my attention.

"You come over here, piss me off, insult me, then want me to gossip with you? Jesus Christ, you are as thick as you look." I sneered and he looked outraged. I watched as his eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared, I never noticed this before but it was actually quite funny.

"How dare you, you filthy-" I cut him off by grabbing the back of his head and slamming it on the table. It made a loud bang and he groaned in pain. His nose leaked a dark red.

"You bitch!" He yelled getting up.

"Yeah, yeah, go whine to someone who gives a fuck." I smirked and he stalked off, clutching his nose as he went. I couldn't help it. I turned my head and saw 6 pairs of wide eyes. Great, they saw the whole thing...

"Miss Y/l/n, may you please accompany me to Professor Dumbledore's office. He wishes to speak with you." McGonagal said from behind me, I jumped a little and sighed under my breath. "Please come along if you're finished eating."

In truth I hadn't eaten anything, but I wasn't hungry at all. I got up and followed her to Dumbledore's office, the walk was long and silent.

"Ah, Miss Y/n." Dumbledore greeted from his desk, standing as McGonagal entered. "Thank you professor." He said to her, There were two chairs in front of his desk, one was filled. It was him.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me," I muttered to myself and pinched between my eyes, "May I ask why I'm here, professor so I can leave." I said coldly, making no interest in sitting down. At the sound of my voice, the boy looked up and stood from his chair suddenly. From shock? Fear? Anger? I have no fucking idea.

"You." He seethed, why the fuck is he angry? He attacked me! For some reason though, despite the circumstances, I was surprisingly calm.

"I hope your head hurts." I commented, finally looking at him, his eyes were fixed on me, he wore a look of pure hatred and rage combined, like he hated my guts.

"Please, take a seat, both of you. I simply wish to clarify the events of last night." Dumbledore said. "Regulus, This is Y/n, Y/n this is Regulus Black, Regulus is going to join you and Mattheo during his time at Hogwarts." Dumbledore said and I didn't know what to say. "Wait, wait, wait, wait." I said, waving my hand in front of me. "You're telling me," I pointed at Dumbledore, "You're telling me, that this asshole," I pointed at Regulus, that's the name of a star i think.

"What did you just say?" He scowled

"Shut it." I pointed at Regulus, "You're telling me, he's moving in?" I asked, pointing at Dumbledore again. He nodded.

"Another quick question. How long have you known that Mattheo and I share a dorm?" I ask, maybe I won't get in trouble for this.

"Quite some time, you're not as discreet as you think Miss Y/l/n." Dumbledore told me and leaned over. I heard Regulus chuckle, "But no harm has been done, so you may remain sharing and Regulus will be joining the two of you." How was Mattheo gonna take this, the dorm was our safe space and Mattheo hasn't even met the guy. Shit.

"I must be out of my mind." I put my head in my hands and rested my elbows on my knees. I could practically feel his eyes burning into my head.

"According to Mr Nawaro, Mr Malfoy and Mr Berkshire, Y/n brought Regulus back from the Forbidden forest, is that true?" Dumbledore spoke softly and I lifted my head, Regulus looked surprised at his words.

"Oh, you didn't know that huh?" I said to , his disbelief was amusing, "Yeah, after I knocked your ass out, after you attacked me, I dragged you back here." my words were filled with spite.

"No, I didn't know that... When I woke up this morning I was in the hospital wing. 6 slytherins were there, Draco, Jacob, Blaise, Pansy, Enzo and Theo." I scoffed at their names, I guess they had already introduced themselves. "They didn't explain much, told me I would get answers from Dumbledore. I kind of just assumed they found me and brought me back." He explained and I scoffed again, I must've looked like an asshole but frankly I just didn't care. This guy fucking tried to kill me when I was tryna help him. Fuck him.

"Miss Y/l/n I just wish to understand some things, like how Regulus got here. Then you are both free to go." Said Dumbledore.

"I'd like to know that as well, '' I said, leaning forward, resting my elbows on my knees.

"I was running away from my parents, they are cruel and manipulative people. They discarded my brother as soon as he stepped out of line. I was running through the woods when I heard voices coming from all around."

I kept my eyes trained on the floor.

"I thought I was losing my mind, I kept running but I tripped on a root and I hit the ground hard. But when I opened my eyes I saw you." I looked up and Black was looking straight at me.

"So why did you decide to kill me, that doesn't explain your bloodthirst." I teased and he looked at his feet.

"I thought you were trying to kill me." He said, bluntly, "Your ribs?" he questioned with a slight smirk on his face, like he was proud of it, gesturing to my ribs. The gash was concealed under my clothes and the cut on my forehead was hidden just above my hairline.

"You were injured Miss Y/l/n?" Dumbledore inquired and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Mattheo helped me last night, Professor." I looked towards Dumbledore.

"Are you sure, it was quite a nasty-" Regulus began but I didn't need to be reminded of the fact I let him catch me off guard.

"Fine, I'm fine." I interjected.

"I see, I will look into this personally. For the meantime, you are welcome to stay at Hogwarts for as long as you wish, enroll if you like." Dumbledore said and I got up from the chair and began to walk away. You gotta be fucking kidding me.

"Good day Professor." I said and Dumbledore nodded.

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