Long Questions. Short Answers.

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"Okay, how did I get here?" I begin and the boys exchange a glance that says: Who gets to answer it?

"Peter's shadow did. Whenever someone feels extremely lonely or isolated, it brings him here." Twins explain.

"Where is 'here'?" I chime in again.

"Nah-ah-ah. It's our turn." Nibs says in a sing-song voice and I nod as if to say: Go on.

"Do you remember where you came from? A country or a city? Where is your home?" Felix asks and I stare at the table and try, try to break this barrier in my head.

"I'm afraid I don't know, you probably know the same amount about me as I do." I say in defeat. "Where are we?" I continue.

"Never land, second star to the right and straight on till morning." Slightly answers and it makes absolutely no sense but I nod anyway.

"What is the last thing you remember before the shadow brought you here?" Peter asks and I lick my lips.

"I was- I was in a room, it was dark, there was a window but it was on the other side from where I was kept so i couldn't see where we were. I couldn't even see the sky." I picture it clearly in my head.

"What do you mean 'kept'?" Asks Tootles.

"Some people, I don't remember their faces, brought me there, I don't know why. It was against my will, because I had a chain around my ankle. I think they're the ones who took my memories." I relive the memory of clawing at the solid metal, trying to slip out and failing. I remember there being blood.

"Why did you help me?" I ask and this question makes Peter's eyes click with mine. His are lit with a little confusion, there's a thousand different questions I could have asked but I chose this one.

"You needed help, Peter felt you arrive on the island. He knows when new people arrive so we went to find you. We couldn't just leave you there, there are dozens of animals on the island that kill for sport." Slightly said.

"Thank you." He nods.

"You said you think those were the people who took your memories, can people do that? Can you do that Peter?" Curly asked and Peter nodded.

"I can do it but it's tricky and dark magic, takes a bloody long time too. I tried to do it once to make the pirates forget the location of Neverland so they would leave but I couldn't do it." He says in a solid voice, it hangs low on the table, one of defeat.

"Do you think retrieving memories is easier than taking them?" I ask thoughtfully.

"I have no idea, I'll take a look tomorrow morning and we can come up with something. In the meantime, you can stay in camp for as long as you need until I can find something to get your memories back." He says whilst looking at all of us, I can't help but smile and stare at the boy sat beside me. He didn't even know the first thing about me and yet here he was, here they all were opening their doors for me.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

"Yeah, until we come up with something... You're a lost girl!" Nibs shouts in glee.

"What's a lost girl?"

"Well... that's what we call ourselves, lost boys, so that makes you a lost girl. We've never had a girl on the island before. Sure, some of the pirates are girls but never a lost girl." Tootles thinks out loud.

"Why don't you get lost girls?" I ask, looking at Tootles.

"We don't know, the shadow has never brought one before, I guess they just don't feel as lost as the boys do? We don't really know." Felix chimes in and I understand.


"They have a camp on the west side of the island. Messing with them is so much fun, we raid and fight but they never catch any of us, they're too slow. Except maybe Hook, but he's too much of a drunk nowadays to fight at all." Twins explain and I'm absorbed in what they're all saying, it's like something out of a story book.

"Word of advice, until you're a little stronger, don't leave the camp just yet. They hate us with a passion and wouldn't hesitate to kill you, it doesn't matter that you're a girl. They hate children all together." Slightly muttered and I nodded, showing I understood.

"One last question for tonight.." Peter spoke for the first time in a while and caught everyone's attention, "What would you like to be called?" he asked and it took me by surprise. "Just a nickname until you can remember your old one."

"I don't know.. Umm-" I thought but nothing sprang to mind, it's not everyday you get to rename yourself. "Any ideas?"



"Rose!" Nibs yelled.

"You guys really like nature related names huh?" I teased and they smiled in turn.

"How about Fawn?" Slightly offered and I really liked it.

"It means young deer." Peter explained and I nodded.

"I like it, I like it a lot." I grinned and he did too.

"Boys, meet Fawn! Our very first lost girl!" Peter yelled and the boys cheered in return, I laughed and Peter took my hand and I took a bow. Maybe life here wasn't going to be that bad.

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