Lost Girl.

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*Third Person POV.*

The girl rolled her head over, it had been some time since she had been brought to the tent and in that time Peter had sent both Slightly and Felix off to bed. But he stayed, not only because it was his tent but because he wanted to stay with her. He felt some sort of responsibility for her, despite knowing nothing about her. After all, it is his island.

"Can you hear me?" Peter whispered, leaning a little closer but respecting she might not want him in her face when she opened her eyes.

And she did, she opened her eyes wide, they were wide with panic, confusion and a list of other emotions which Peter couldn't even imagine. But despite the manic expression on her face, she didn't say anything. There were no questions from her at all. All the lost boys, when they had first arrived, had asked questions about where they were, who Peter was and how they got here. But not her.

"Here." Peter moved a little closer and at that, she shuffled as best as should away from him, not getting very far. Despite having slept, she still had little energy. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," He showed her his hands but her eyes were pinned on the dagger he had strapped to his belt. He noticed this and removed it, dropping it and he kicked it away. "I'm just going to help you up, then hand you a bowl of soup, you see that over there?" He asks and points to the dimly lit fire, still with the bowl of soup over it. Keeping it warm.

"Okay?" and she looked from the boy to the bowl. He was tall, much taller than her, dressed in dark green in a shirt that stopped at his elbows with leather cuffs around his wrists. He had brown trousers which were worn with age and boots, his hair hung slightly over his face and needed cutting. But she could still see his bright green eyes, they lit up his face she thought.

She nodded, she took his hand and he helped her sit up, He looked at her arms. They were thin, too thin. She ignored his stares and he turned his back to put the soup in her grasp. He handed her a spoon and she began to eat. It didn't take her long, she was starving. He handed her some bread and took some for himself as well. They ate in silence. She finished hers first and he handed her the rest of his, she took it without a single word.

"What's your name?" He asked, after a long period of silence, it wasn't uncomfortable or awkward, despite being complete strangers but she finally looked him dead in the eyes.

"I don't know."

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