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I stuck my hands in my pockets and dragged my feet along the cold stone, the moon lit up the courtyard and I made my way to the astronomy tower. I liked wandering the castle, it helped me think though I had no idea what time it was, my guess was close to midnight. It was past curfew and it was all quiet.

All until I heard the shuffle of footsteps, I stopped and listened carefully. Silence, maybe it was nothing. I continued and began to climb the staircase of the tower. When I finally got to the top I sat near the edge and plucked the cigarette from behind my ear. I was still catching my breath from the stairs when I lit the end of it and inhaled deeply. When I exhaled I looked up, there was no light pollution here. The sky was clear and bright, the moon was thin and curved, like a smile. I chuckled and saw my breath in front of me, it was cold tonight even for september.

*Lorenzo POV*

Jacob, Draco and I were in our dorm when we heard footsteps outside the door and trail down to the common room.

"You hear that?" I asked, holding up a finger.

"No, what is it?" Draco asked.

"Footsteps?" I questioned. They both listened and nodded when they heard them.

We peaked out the door and saw Y/n slip down the stairs. We gave each other a curt nod and followed in tow.

We trailed behind her and kept to the shadows. She was dragging her feet. When she came around the next corner she stopped, she must've heard us.

She stopped to listen but kept walking, she was making her way to the astronomy tower. When she turned another corner I looked over to Jacob and Draco, Draco had a smirk plastered on his pale face, Jacob looked as clueless as I was.

"Follow her?" I questioned.

"Let's go." And we trailed behind Y/n all the way to the top of the Astronomy tower at a safe distance. We watched as she sat down near the edge of the tower with a sigh. She took something from behind her ear and lit it. It was a cigarette, I didn't know she smoked cigarettes?

"You can come out you three." She muttered, seeming bored. We exchanged another look, this one was more alarmed. "I ain't coming to find ya so you might as well come out. I'm not bothered." She huffed, not even turning around.

*Y/n POV*

"I ain't coming to find ya so you might as well come out. I'm not bothered." I said facing away, I didn't know who they were, all I knew is that there were three of them and they followed me. Not a great start to the term. They didn't even try to hide their footsteps, how thick can you get?

"How'd you know we were here?" A voice asked. Malfoy. Draco Malfoy, the voice that taunted me, criticized me. The same boy who had put me down time and time again.

The only difference was, I was too tired to care. He didn't scare me anymore.

"Three sets of footsteps, you're not as discrete as you think, Malfoy." I spat and I heard him scoff.

"What are you doing, Y/l/n? Didn't know you smoked." Chuckled the second. Jacob Nawar.

"I don't have to answer to either of you, do me a favor and piss off." I snapped and pressed the paper to my lips.

"Oooh someone's touchy this evening, what happened? Did we hit a nerve?" Said the third, Lorenzo. Great. Malfoy and Nawaro laughed and I didn't say anything. Go away. Go away. Go away.

"Go away." I whispered, but I know they heard me because I heard Draco scoff once again. Such a drama queen.

"Yep, definitely on her period. Just as I suspected." Draco muttered, putting his hand to his chin, like he was making an observation.

I had had enough, I got up and stood in front of Draco, still with a burning cigarette in hand.

"Go to hell Malfoy." I scrunched my fist and Lorenzo seemed to notice, Jacob was still smirking from afar. Enzo was staring at my knuckle, I looked down and it was purple and had a scab from where I hit Theo earlier that day. I'm glad he wasn't in this trio.

"Look, Draco, Jacob, she did hit Theo. Fucking hell, didn't know ya had the balls on ya." Lorenzo laughed pointing at my hand.

"Oh shit, guess you are as psycho as we thought." Draco laughed and shoved my shoulder and my back hit Jacobs hard chest. He was standing right behind me. Draco was trying to get me to react, to fight back, to lash out. Either I was too tired or too high I began to laugh and I spat, hitting him right in the cheek.

"Believe it or not, and I think you will. He deserved it. Go to hell." I felt a sudden flare of hatred for the three of them, more than usual, they were right. They did hit a nerve. "I can only name one person who is better than the both of you combined." I snarled and pushed past the two of them, heading toward the stairs.

"Well we both know it isn't you!" Draco yelled and I laughed. I never meant me, I didn't deserve shit.

"I didn't mean me, assholes." I said, standing at the top of the stairs, facing them. "Mattheo, he's more of a man than any of you will ever be. And he deserves better than to have you as friends." I spat and Draco took a step back, he genuinely looked hurt by my words.

"He doesn't deserve to have to look after a filthy mudblood like you."  I heard Jacob say and I spun to face him and punched his jaw. Fast and hard. What is it with me and punching people today? He toppled backwards but stayed on his feet, he was over a head taller than me, his eyes wide as he clutched his jaw. Draco made a lunge for me but I darted for the stairs. I ran until I felt like my lungs were going to give way.

For some reason I began to cry from how angry I felt, my hands and face were hot, my tears warm on my face.

But always, my anger diffused to sadness and that became regret for not getting Mattheo out of that house sooner. And quite soon, I was worried I would be strangled by my guilt which was wrapping like a noose around my neck.

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