Chapter 20 - Colorful lights

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Now standing in front of my closet, I looked through my clothes trying to figure out what to wear. What's  comfortable and cute? I sighed as I began grabbing random garments and laying them on my bed to see which is better. High waisted jeans with a button up? No

I looked through my closet 10 more minutes before finding an outfit. I picked out light blue high waisted jeans, a white top with a pink corduroy jacket and white reebok shoes. [you can change the outfit as you wish :) ]

I looked in the mirror once more before the doorbell rang. I heard my mothers muffled greeting as I grabbed my belongings and headed downstairs.

"Yes I suppose she can go" my mother huffed as she kept her arms crossed over her chest. Michael wore jeans, white shirt, with a red varsity jacket that matched his converse well. "Hey mikey" I smiled to him as I kissed his cheek. I could tell my mother hated me dating this guy. But my dad didn't and his opinion mattered the most to me.

"I'll get going now" I looked at my mother who had to put a fake smile on her face. Her eyes were all I needed to know that she was not happy about this. "Alright you two have fun" she faked a laugh as we headed out the door and she closed it instantly right as our feet stood on the doormat.

"Is she okay?" Michael raised a brow as he held my hand. "Nope" I sighed as we walked to his car. He opened the door for me and gestured for me to sit "Why thank you" I curtsy and sat on the passengers seat. He closed the door and sat on the drivers seat.

His car smelled like cigarettes and cologne but I didn't mind. He had a keychain of Metalica wrapped around the view mirror and other knickknacks on the cup holders. He inserted the key into the ignition and the engine started as well as loud blasting music from the radio. Venus by Bananarama was halfway playing.

I winced a bit from the loud music "Sorry" Michael quickly apologized as he turned the volume down. "How are your eardrums still working" I joked "I'm special" he smirked as he pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the diner.

I looked over to Michael who was concentrated on the road. He had his right hand on the steering wheel as the other was laying against his chin on the window rear. His eyes looked puffy like he was crying. I looked down at his arms realizing he had bandages hidden under his sleeve. I tugged his sleeve up and he flinched.

There was white bandages covering his forearm. "What happened?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Um I was helping my.. dad with the cars yesterday and I hurt my arm with the.. metal parts.." he said unsurely "Oh" I let go of his sleeve which sat right back to place covering his forearm.

He parked in front of the diner on the curbside. "We are here" he took out the key and hopped off the car. I did the same and walked near him. We entered the diner as there were a couple of old people and a few teenagers sharing a mikshake.

We sat down on a booth as a Waiter came over "What can I get you guys?" he took out a pen and a notebook. "We'll get a strawberry milkshake and I'm having the.." he ordered his food and I ordered mine "Alright" he clicked his tongue as he left to put in our order.

I looked out the window seeing how beautiful the day was. Ever since me and Michael started dating I've been feeling more happier than ever. It's like the world is grinning at me with joy. I wonder if Michael feels the same way.

He reached over to hold my hands in his. "So how did my beautiful gorgeous girlfriend sleep?" he smiled and I smiled back "I slept well, you?" "I slept fine" he seemed disappointed and in thought. "Is something bothering you mikey?" I rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb "Everything's peachy. Don't worry about me love" he smiled again as the waiter placed the milkshake in the middle of us.

We pulled our hands away as he placed 2 straws down "Enjoy" he rolled his eyes and left. "Someone's moody today" Michael mumbled out "Jealousy" I blurted out and took the straw out of its wrapper and placed it in the milkshake. Michael did the same as we began sipping the cold beverage.

After breakfast we decided to head on to the fair already. We were now in line waiting to pay for our tickets. The state fair was quiet big. There was so much to do I know we wouldn't be able to finish in one day.

"Two tickets please" Michael said as I starred at the attractions in awe. "That'll be $20" the girl said as she twirled her wavy blonde hair. I looked at her as her eyes trailed down his body. I rolled my eyes and held Michael's hand as he handed the $20 to her" "Thanks" she giggled. Michael wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close as she handed him the tickets, she glared down at his hand placement. "Thanks.. so babe where do you wanna go first?" he said it loud enough for the girl to hear as we walked towards the entrence.

"Was my baby jealous?" he cooed as he folded the tickets into the pocket of his jeans "Me? Jealous? Pfftt nooo" I playfully hit his arm "Sureee" he smirked and I smiled. "I'm yours.. and you're mine" he grabbed my chin and pecked my lips. "Don't forget it.." I looked into his blue eyes "I wouldn't be able to"

As the sky began to darken, michael tossed the rings in the bottles. I stood to the side watching him. "And we have our lucky winner!" the worker shouted as he set an alarm off. He took down the giant unicorn stuffed animal and gave it to me. "Aw Michael" I hugged the unicorn and Michael kissed the top of my head as he side hugged me. "Anything for you princess" he chuckled. We turned around and saw the carnival lights light up. "Woah.." I looked around watching the colorful lights "Pretty aren't they?"

Michael looked down at my amazed face "Yeah they really are.." I smiled. My heart filled with more happiness each moment we had here. "Come on let's go to the ferris wheel" I turned to Michael as he pointed to the big colorful wheel. I nodded my head feeling a bit nervous. He grabbed my hand as we made our way into line.

I looked at the giant attraction. I wasn't exactly afraid of heights.. just the fear of falling that's all. I held Michael's hand tighter. The more closer we were to getting on the more tensed I got. "Hey we don't have to if you don't want to" Michael looked over at me "I want to! I'm tough!" he chuckled "My tough cookie" he squished my cheek as we were already next in line.

One of the workers held the unicorn for me as me and Michael sat on the seating. They pulled the bar down and pushed it up again making sure it was locked in place. The ride soon started moving up. I snuggled closer to Michael as I looked down at how far up we were going. "Look up, love" he held my chin and moved my head up. I looked around seeing the colorful lights from different attractions. It all fit perfectly with the stars and moon shining.

The ride began slowing down as we got to the top. Michael turned my head to look at him. "Y/n.. I'm very lucky to have you. To call you mine. To have the honor to love you and give you all of my love and affection. I want to give you the best out of this life.." He cupped my face as I admired the features on his face.

His words were sweet like honey. The lights reflecting on his face. Everything about him was more than just perfect. "Michael.. you make me the happiest person alive. The honor is all mine to be here with you" I smiled as I leaned into his hands. "I love you Y/n" "I love you too" we inched closer and gently placed our lips on one another sharing a kiss under the colorful lights. Our hearts filling up with nothing but bliss.


About A Girl [Michael Afton x Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin