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Author Pov.

Taehyung was in his cabin massaging his head as it was aching by continuously thinking about the previous incident.

He turned to the side of cabin's door as he felt someone entering. He stood up as soon he saw his sister. The moment he looked at her, his lips formed a small weak smile.

" Noona, you here? It's been a while. " He said coming towards her with his arms opened widely to give her a tight hug at which Jisoo raised her hands showing him her palm in order to stop him on his way.

" Stop right there. " She said making him furrow his brows as he lowered his hands.

" what happened noona? I everything alright? "

" That's the problem Tae, nothing's right. "

" What do you mean? What is not right? "

" You... you are not right. "

" I didn't understand you noona. What do- "

" Really you don't get me? Are you trying to lay innocent now ? And if you are then let me tell you that I am not here for that. "

" What do you wanna say noona? Just come to the point. "

" Fine if you want me to come to the point. I just met your assistant with her hands bleeding. She was crying continuously and at that moment I got to know about your doings Mr. Kim Taehyung. " She yelled as Taehyung became silent at her words. Jisoo shook her head in disbelief.


" What  are you trying to do Taehyung? What are you thinking? Are you even your senses? I didn't raised for this Tae. You are literally tying to exploit someone who is weaker than you. Is it something I have been teaching you until now. "

" You will not understand noona. "

" I will not understand? Really? It's you Tae... it's you, the one here whose not understanding a single thing here. " 

" Noona you're just saying this because you don't know her. "

" I know her, she's Jennie Kim your assistan- "

" Exactly, you just know her as my assistant but why do care about her? What is she to you? You don't even know her true ident- "

" She's Jennie Kim, the only daughter and the eldest child of those KIMs. I know her better than you Taehyung and I care for her cuz she is my friend. "

" Seriously noona, what's wrong with you? You know that and you're still blaming me? " He said at which Jisoo could only scoff in disbelief.

" What's wrong with you Taehyung? Like seriously, what has happen to you? You were never like this. "

" No noona, it's not like that. "

" Then how's it- "

" Why are yelling at me noona? What did I do so wrong for you to be disappointed from me that much? "

" I seriously can't believe my ears. Am I hearing you right? Are you seriously asking me what have you done wrong? Huh? " She once again yelled but this time before he could say anything further he was interrupted by someone entering his cabin. Both of them turned their heads to see Jin standing there totally confused at the sudden silent atmosphere.

" Is everything alright? Jisoo why did you suddenly call me here? "

" Jin you knew that Jennie is her assistant? " She asked pointing aggressively to her younger brother.

" Yeah, so? What's wrong with that? "

" Do you even know how has he he treated her in all these past few months? "

" What? " He asked furrowing his brows, totally unaware of his younger friend's actions. Jisoo explained everything to him making him look at Taehyung with disappointment filled in his eyes then diverting his gaze back to Jisoo whose eyes clearly told how much she was hurt by his younger brother's actions.

" Noona, I never meant to hurt you. I did that to take revenge. That girl ruined my life and yours too. Her parents killed ours noona, please understand. " He said, tears forming in his eyes as he tried to explain himself. 

" First of all Taehyung, Jennie is not the one who ruined our lives and secondly, even if she is then you are not the one who's supposed to punish her. " She yelled as tears started forming in her eyes too.

" Calm down Jisoo! " Jin said approaching the girl, rubbing her palms to prevent her from crying which always have worked making her straight look at his eyes.

" How can he  do that Jin? It seems like he has lost his senses. He doesn't know what's right and what's wrong. If someone would have done the same with me how would he feel? "" She said with heavy voice as she was doing her best to not cry leading Jin to embrace her in a hug amking her soon let out soft cries.

" It's not like that noona, you're over exaggerating things. " He said makin her release herself from the hug.

" Oh really? Then I'm sorry.  I forgot that my Tae is now a grown up man, he doesn't need his noona anymore. He can make his decisions on his own. " She said as hurt was evident in her voice and left the cabin. Jin decided to follow her but stopped before leaving, looking at Taehyung as he too looked at him.

" I hope it would be my first and last time being disappointed from you. But still I never expected this from you Tae. " He said and also left also leaving Taehyung alone in his room as he went to his chair and sat down going into deep thoughts. 

Have I crossed my boundaries? Did I go too far? Should I stop this? Was it really her fault in the first place? Should I apologise? Questions like these kept popping up in his mind and he didn't had answer of any one.

Right at that moment he needed someone who can answer these questions and tell him really wisely what to do now and while saying wisely he could only think of one person right now.

" Namjoon hyung! "

Jennie Pov.

I was back home sitting on the couch looking up at the ceiling when suddenly my eyes drifted to the counter in the corner of the house having bottles of whine and various types of alcohol.

When I looked at them I suddenly got an urge to have them which reminded me of my mom. Whenever mom would fight with dad or was sad or was stressed she used to drink to reduce the pain she was feeling and somehow it became a habit of mom. I am her daughter only so I have her genes and I have taken over this habit of hers.

I stood up to have a drink but stopped as it felt like it was wrong but still went there unless it reduces pain and you forget what happened earlier. I had one shot, then two, then three, and four, and didn't stop until everything became black for me.

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