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Author Pov.

Like always Jennie woke up early as she had to reach to the office before Mr. Kim. She just finished her breakfast was going to leave when she saw aunty coming out of her room.

" Good morning aunty! I am leaving. " Her aunty sighed.

" Noona! " Someone shouted and stopped Jennie on her way. She turned to see Yeonjun standing behind her. He seemed like that he wants to say something again.

" Sorry Yeonjun but I have to leave, we'll talk later. Ok? "

" Noona but when will that later come? Every time when I want to talk to you you are like later. "

" I am late Yeonjun. I have to leave. " She turned to leave.

" Noona your office starts from 9 but you always leave at 6 only. You still have 3 hours so can't you give me just 4-5 minutes. " She turned back to him.

" I can't Yeonjun please understand my problem also. " She said controlling herself from bursting out.

" I am understanding your problem noona but what about mine? I also don't wanna stop you from going but the whole day you are in office and when you come home then you are so tired that you don't have that much energy to speak properly to me too. I seriously can't talk about it by a call or a text message. It's just fucking irritating me again and again." He said raising his voice.

" Enough Yeonjun! "She shouted.

" Do you even remember when you last talked to me or forget about me do you even remember when you last talked to uncle and aunty properly? Huh?" He shouted back.

" Yeonjun stop shouting at me. I am not doing this for myself. I am doing this for you, so that you can have a simple life like others. " She shouted again.

" Then stop doing this noona. I don't want a simple life like that. My life was simple before also. We were happy then also. " His eyes were now teary.

"Ok I will leave it but tell me who will submit your college fee? Huh? I submitted your college fee within a month plus I payed back some of the loans our father took by some banks with interests and it is all possible because of this job only and yeah, you were the one right who wanted me to join this company? So now when I am working here what is you problem? " She fought back.

" But noona you don't even be at home on Saturdays and Sundays too."

" Yeonjun go back to your room. It's enough now. She is older than you. Show some manners. You should not raise your voice in front of her like that. " Aunty said to Yeonjun.

" But Aunty-"

" No buts just go inside. " Yeonjun slowly turned back and went inside his room.

" I am sorry Jennie. You know him right. He is still childish. It's just that before you guys were always fighting but now he don't have anyone to fight and share his feelings with. He is just starting to be close with Lia. He is not used to it yet but he will. Don't worry. " Jennie nodded and left.

In office she was just thinking about what Yeonjun did today morning. She was not able to do her work properly. It was 10 pm now but she was still working because of Mr. Kim. She was again in the thought of those words by Yeonjun. She was angry plus sad. If anyone will come inside and will say a single word also either she will cry or scream at that person and then someone opened the door of her cabin aggressively and it was Mr. Kim.

" Miss Kim what are you doing? I have called you at least ten times but-"

" So what? " She stood up and shouted back at him this time.

" Miss Kim are you in your senses?"

" This question should be asked by me. Are you in your senses Mr. Kim Taehyung? Do you even think before screaming at me? " She sighed and sat back on her chair. She held her head and started massaging it. Her face was hidden by her hairs. A sound of sobbing was heard inside the room. Taehyung sighed.

" You are crying? Just because I am screaming at you. Really? "

" Yes I know I shouldn't cry but I am and I can't help it. Because of you today I can't even talk to my family properly. Doesn't matter how perfectly and professionally I do my work but you still shout at me like I have killed someone and you are punishing me for my bad deeds. " She again stood up with her teary eyes and shouted at him. After a silence of 20-25 seconds. " Why are you doing this to me? What have I done to you? What is your problem? " She said bursting into tears.

He looked down, bit his lower lip and chuckled, " My problem? It's you Ms. Jennie Kim. You ruined my life. " He looked up and shouted at her. She stood shocked. The person who she only know as her company boss, why would she ruin his life? "

" Your nanna Mrs. Kim Ae-Ri and her husband Mr. Kim Byung-Hoon, your chef. " Jennie was shocked hearing her favorite nanna's and chef's name. But now maybe she was figuring it out that how he knew them and then she got it. Now she was more shocked. 'Tete? But it isn't possible. He did suicide with his sister cuz of their parents death.' She thought to herself.

" Finally! So now you remember me Miss Jane. " He said raising one of his eyebrows.

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