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“How about we kill them all today, Captain?”

Tsongu often liked to joke around, saying the most bizarre things. But this? Narvari Shar didn’t think this was a joke. Even Narvari herself had been thinking the same thing ever since the raids in Kirriba Plains began.

Putting a bullet into the heads of every one of those damn poachers would certainly soothe her tormented soul. But of course, ‘that was not Sharmandi’s way of doing things.’ Governor Andaga’s words, not hers.

And so, here she was with her nine-member team on this dark chilly night when she could be snuggling under the covers of her soft blanket, preferably with a book in hand, and hot chocolate in the other — or on a table. It would be a chore to balance both items at once.

Okay, she needed to focus.

Ignoring the sudden urge to sip some hot chocolate drink, she adjusted the night vision scope on her sniper rifle. She crouched on her flat belly, the tall wet savanna cloaking her presence as she focused her gaze on the herd of bazwu resting in the plains. A few of them breastfed their calf or caressed them with their long heavy trunks. Narvari took a moment to appreciate the majestic sight of the West African four-tusk elephants.

Almost twice the size of regular African elephants with twice the number of tusks, their presence was like the ocean with their beautiful azure hides. It was no wonder these poor creatures were so highly targeted.

The only sign of life was the cries of the nocturnal creatures lurking in the vast grassland. Somewhere hidden in the darkness, she knew her team was waiting for her command. Narvari, on the other hand, waited patiently for Eagle stationed back in the command center of Sharmandi Tower. Eagle was their eyes and ears for the operation.

Earlier, Narvari and her team had received amber alerts from Sharmandi Tower about poachers sneaking into the plains. But after showing up and waiting in the shadows for almost half an hour, Eagle had still not spotted a single poacher.

Did the poachers finally give up? Narvari thought. Maybe they got tired of being defeated by the WPU every single time. No, she doubted that was the case. Those spawns of hell were too charred in the brain to give up on killing endangered species. Maybe they were already here but Eagle was having trouble locating them. It was only Motongo’s first time as Eagle after all.

Don’t panic, NarvariMotongo will be fine.

That boy was only half her age, but he was smarter than his older brother and Narvari combined. She had faith in him.

“We have company, Cap,” Motongo’s small voice blared in her ears. Impeccable timing.

Narvari flashed a smile. “How many?”

“I count five. About six kilometers northeast.”

Narvari narrowed her eyes. How did they get so close? She focused her scope on the northeast. Something slithered in the grassland. Five things, actually. And they were heading straight to the unsuspecting bazwu. If only the bazwu would thrust their tusks into those devils. Unfortunately, the bazwu were some of the most gentle and peaceful creatures on earth despite their size.

Fortunately, Narvari was none of those things.

Damn poachers.

“Squad One,” she said, “Do you have eyes on them?”

“We have a clear shot, Captain,” came Tsongu’s husky voice. Tsongu had rightfully earned the title of Sniper King for his deadly accuracy in shooting from extremely long distances.

“Take the shot.”

“With pleasure.” Narvari heard the smile in his voice.

The slithering suddenly halted as the poachers sank into the grass.

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