Back to the beach

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*smut warning*

"Good morning party people." Harry greeted happily when he stepped into the kitchen.

Louis was standing behind the stove turning pancakes with Lily on his arm who was gurgling to herself and Jack was sitting at the table munching on his own pancake which Louis had cut into small pieces.

"Mowning, dada." Jack chirped with his mouth full.

"Someone's in a great mood." Louis grinned. Harry walked over to him and pecked his lips before he kissed Lily's head and doing the same to Jack.

"Yes, tonight is the first night since forever where we will have some alone time without getting disturbed by those little devils." Harry smiled.

"That is true." Louis chuckled. "Be prepared for a hell of a night." He wiggled his eyebrows and Harry snorted. He took Lily from Louis and sat down at the table.

Lily had turned five months two days ago and the time went by so quickly. She was growing more and more everyday and there were plenty of nights where Harry had been crying because he didn't want his babygirl to grow up. Jack was obsessed with his sister, holding her as often as possible and when he came home from kindergarten the first thing he did was telling Lily what he had been doing throughout the day.

Today was date night for Harry and Louis and they were kids free because Gemma and Michael had volunteered to take them over night. Harry had no idea what Louis had planned but he insisted to keep it a surprise and even when Harry had threatened to leave him and taking the kids with him if he didn't tell him Louis hadn't given in which had left Harry being mad at him for two hours until he had told him he missed him too much to be angry and everything was good again. He had tried to get it out of Louis a few more times but eventually he had given up asking when he had accepted that Louis wouldn't tell him.

Louis finished making the pancakes and also sat down at the table and they all started eating together. When they were done Harry dressed Jack for kindergarten while Louis took care of Lily. Half an hour later Louis brought Jack to kindergarten, he had the day off practice thankfully and went home again to spend some time with Harry and Lily before Gemma came around lunch time to pick her up.

Louis opened the door when the bell rang and Gemma stood in front of him grinning.

"Hey, Lou." She chirped embracing him in a hug.

"Hey, Gems." Louis smiled back and hugged her back.

"Everything ready?" Gemma asked looking past Louis into the house.

"Yup. I'm so fucking nervous." Louis said nervously.

"Don't be. Trust me everything will go well." Gemma smiled reassuringly.

"I hope so." Louis sighed and stepped aside to let her in. She squeezed his shoulder and walked past him into the house.

"Where is my favourite niece?" She cheered when she walked into the living room where Lily was laying on her mat on the floor with Harry sitting next to her with crossed legs.

"She's your only niece." Harry snorted.

"Shut up, Harold." Gemma scoffed before she picked up Lily whose eyes lit up instantly.

"Hi, my darling girl. Are you going to spend the night with your auntie? Yes, you do!" Gemma gushed in a baby voice.

"Stop that. You're scaring her." Harry picked on her to which Gemma flipped him off and Harry cackled.

They handed everything Jack and Lily needed over to Gemma and after a long goodbye to Lily, her and Gemma left them alone.

"What now?" Harry turned to Louis who came out of the kitchen.

High school baby. | l.s. (mpreg)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora