The bomb dropped

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Quite emotional chapter we have here. I really loved writing this and I hope you enjoy it. x

Harry got woken up at seven thirty when Jack bursted into his room with Anne hot on his heels.

"Jack, no." Harry heard his mum call when he already felt a light weight on his stomach. He opened his eyes tiredly and was met with a beaming Jack.

"Dada!" He shouted happily and bounced on Harry's stomach. "Watey watey!" He laughed and Harry smiled dopily at him.

"Good morning, buddy. Did you sleep well?" Harry asked sitting up while he secured Jack's back with his arm so he couldn't slip. Anne had already left them alone again when she saw that Harry was awake to prepare breakfast. Harry was used to be awake within five seconds, because Jack bursted into his room every day and woke him up. He didn't complain though.

Jack nodded his head frantically being his happy and bubbly self. He definitely had that from Louis, no doubt. And everytime he watched Jack doing silly things things he couldn't help but only see Louis in him. It was crazy because he had known Louis properly only for a week but in this one week he had learned so much about the slightly older boy. But that was all gone now it seemed.

"Okay, bud. How about we get dressed and then eat brekkie, hm?" Harry asked and Jack wiggled his bum on Harry's stomach in excitement slapping his tiny hands on Harry's chest.

"Yea, yea!" He cheered and Harry got up taking Jack with him.

"Did Nana already change your nappie?" He asked and Jack nodded. He was only wearing his nappies because Jack was so eager to wake Harry up and didn't let Anne get him dressed without making a fuzz. Anne had just waved it off because she knew that Harry would get him dressed after he woke up and it was of course warm inside of the house and he was at least wearing socks.

Harry sat him down on the changing table and placed the clothing next to him. He grabbed a football jersey and slid it over Jack's head. He always wanted to wear jerseys and had by now at least ten jerseys from different teams.

"Up." Harry said and Jack stood up balancing himself by putting his hands on Harry's shoulder never letting go. He knew that he was only allowed to stand up on the changing table when he was told to and when he was holding onto something.

Harry put Jack's jeans on after Jack lifted his left leg first and then the right one. Harry lifted him from the table on the floor before they walked to the kitchen together hand in hand. They all ate together and Jack blabbered about god knows what and Anne and Harry laughed at him. Harry was glad that Jack was such a sunshine all the time so Harry didn't have to think about yesterday.

Anne and Harry were trying to explain to Jack how memory worked when around eleven the doorbell rang. Anne was just explaining something to Jack so Harry got up to open the door. He turned the door knob and froze in his spot when none other than Louis stood on the other side. He was wearing sweatpants and and a t shirt with a denim jacket over it. His hair was a mess and he looked hungover. Harry gripped the door handle impossibly tight as Louis stared at Harry before a shy smile crept on his face.

"Hey." He said quietly and searched for Harry's eyes. It was almost impossible after what he had drunk yesterday, but he remembered everything and when he woke up with a massive headache this morning he knew that he deserved it and that he had fucked up big time and he wanted nothing more than to make things right.

"Hi." Harry pressed out after a minute of not saying anything. Louis scratched the back of his neck as he didn't know what to say. Eventually he sighed and brushed his hands through his disheveled hair.

"I uh, wanted to apologize, for yesterday." Louis said hesitantly and Harry's eyebrows perked up.

"Why?" Harry asked bluntly and Louis furrowed his eyebrows. Never in a million years had he thought that Louis would apologize to him.

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