No future

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1k reads on this story. WOW!!! I can't thank you guys enough and my heart literally skipped a beat when I saw this! I always want to give something back when something like this happens and normally I do this with a surprise update, so here it is :))) Thank you again and I fucking love every single one of you!!! 

Enjoy and let me know what you think. x

"Hey lads!" Louis called out after he saw the boys exiting the school building. They didn't turn around to his call, so Louis thought they just didn't hear him. "Lads?" He asked again as he was directly behind them. "Hellooo?" Still no reaction. He rushed past them and stopped when he was in front of them. They were all scowling at him and he looked at them questioningly.

"What's going on?" He asked and crossed his arms looking at each of their faces carefully. His gaze lingered on Harry's longer and to his horror he had tears in his eyes. Louis furrowed his eyebrows and now he was genuinely confused. "Baby, what's wrong?" Louis asked after he had checked that nobody heard the pet name.

"Are you fucking serious?" Harry called out angrily. Louis was taken aback.

"Yes, Harry. I'm serious. What's going on with you all?" He looked at his friends who were just glaring at him.

"We heard your conversation with Danielle in the hallway earlier." Harry simply said and Louis' eyes grew wide. Shit.

"O-okay. I can explain. I didn't want that to happen, but...well...I know you're angry and I'm sorry, I wanted to keep it a secret until everything is settled because I just knew you would be pissed, but I really wanted to tell you once I've got it over with..." Louis huffed out meaning that he wanted t explain everything to Danielle first and make sure that he would keep her mouth hut and then tell Harry this afternoon. 

"You aren't even denying it!" He exclaimed horrified.

"W-well, why should I? I have no reason lying to you, but look. It doesn't change anything okay? Nobody will find out and everything is fine." Louis tried to reason, but he didn't understand why Harry was getting more and more pissed off now.

"But I found out and that's what counts!" He almost shouted and Louis flinched.

"You're a fucking asshole, Louis." Niall scoffed.

"You didn't change at all." Liam shook his head in disappointment.

"Wha-" Louis started completely confused on what they were talking about.

"Louis?" He saw Eleanor coming towards him and groaned.

"Oh, this is going to be good." Harry scoffed sarcastically and crossed his arms over his chest. He was completely devastated that Louis didn't even seem to care that he now practically confirmed that he was about to cheat on him, but his anger outweighed his hurt right now.

"What? I really don't have time for your drama now, Eleanor." Louis said annoyed, completely overstrained with the whole situation. He didn't understand anything and Eleanors appearance didn't make his day any better.

"I just wanted to ask you one thing." She glared at him. Louis sighed deeply.

"Ask, then." He gestured for her to go on.

"I saw you with a kid yesterday and I know for a fact that you don't have a little brother. So do you have a son nobody knows of?" She grinned at him devilishly, thinking she had discovered a secret and Louis froze. The other boys weren't better and Harry's mouth dropped open in shock. No, this couldn't be happening.

Suddenly an arm appeared around Louis' shoulder and Danielle was grinning at him.

"Hey, Lou. I just wanted to thank you for watching my brother yesterday. I really owe you one." She said sweetly and then looked up. "Oh, Eleanor. I didn't see you there. You alright?" She continued with the overly sweet voice and Louis thanked god for her right now. She must've heard Eleanors question and she was saving his ass right now.

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