Little accident

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It's really hard for me to write right now, I'm not in the best state mentally and also physically so please forgive me when I'm not able to keep my updating schedule.
As usual thank you so much for your support and don't forget I love you all. x

Louis got woken up by a gagging noise and he ripped his eyes open barely awake as his legs automatically moved and he stumbled out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. Harry was leaning over the toilet breathing heavily with tears streaming down his face.

"This is all your fault!" Harry cried as Louis gently placed a hand on his back rubbing it up and down.

"I'm sorry, love." Louis said with a grin on his face. Harry wanted to say something but he choked and another wave of neausea hit him as he vomited into the toilet again.

"I hate you." Harry mumbled brokenly through sobs.

"Oh, darling." Louis chuckled. "The sickness will be over soon. The doc said after the first trimester it usually vanishes, so there's only about two weeks left." Louis said calming, but Harry scoffed.

"I fucking know. I was there too. Also it isn't my first pregnancy, moron." He spat. Louis just laughed. Considering Harry was already two and a half months pregnant Louis was used to his mood changes already.

"Are you done, or do you have to throw up once more?" Louis laughed. Harry spat into the toilet before flushing it.

"Fuck you." He muttered. Louis laughed again and grabbed Harry's toothbrush and handed it over to him.

"I love you. You're doing great." Louis said now genuinely as he stood in front of his boyfriend. He placed a gentle kiss to his forehead smiling.

"I love you too. Sorry for being so moody." Harry said sheepishly around the toothpaste.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, darling. I would definitely be worse if I had a baby in my belly." Louis smiled.

"I know. I'm stronger than you in this case." Harry grinned after he had spat the toothpaste out and rinsed his mouth. Then suddenly his face changed and he plunged forward and emptied his stomach in the toilet again.

"Wow, that was fast." Louis said as he grabbed the toothbrush once more. "You should stay home today, Hazza." He said concerned. Harry had never been this neausous and it worried him.

"I'm fine." Harry croaked out.

"Yeah, I can see that." Louis said sarcastically.

"I mean it. When I'm not throwing up I'm feeling good." Harry said after he flushed the toilet again.

"Are you sure you want to go to school?" Louis checked.

"Yes, babe. I'm fine, really." Harry assured and Louis nodded. If Harry wanted to go to school then he wouldn't argue with him.

When they were done in the bathroom Louis went to Jack's room to wake him up for breakfast, but when he entered his room Jack was already awake.

"Daddy!" He cheered.

"Good morning, darling. What are you already doing awake, hm?" Louis chuckled as he walked over to Jack who climbed off his small bed. He had a bed for big boys now. It had a shape of a rocket, he was still obsessed with everything that had to do with space. When they had walked through the furniture store two weeks ago and Jack had seen the bed he had begged and cried that he wanted it so badly and who were Louis and Harry to not grant him his wish? So Louis called Zayn and Liam over and they assembled it together and after two hours they were finally done and beyond exhausted.

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