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"Anne, can I talk to you for a minute?" Louis asked as he came downstairs and saw Anne preparing herself a coffee. Harry was still sleeping even though Jack barged into the room half an hour ago. Louis had told him to either be quiet and sleep for a bit longer with dada or come downstairs with him. Jack had decided for the first one and he was now sleeping with Harry upstairs.

"Of course, darling. Do you want a coffee?" She asked and Louis nodded. When it was done she placed it in front of him and took a sip from her own. "What's the matter?" She asked when Louis made no attempt to talk.

"There are actually two things." Louis started and Anne waited for him to continue. "Firstly, here. I want you to take this. Harry doesn't accept it, but it's the least I can do." Louis handed her an envelope and she took it hesitantly eyeing it suspiciously.

"If it is what I'm thinking it is, you can have it back. I don't want it." She said sternly.

"Please, Anne." Louis pleaded. "I feel so bad that you had to pay for everything the first two years of his life and I even practically live here and you never want me to do anything." He argued, but Anne shook her head.

"Louis, you are still a student, you need to live even when you have a son. I bet this is your whole wage from work, right?" She asked frowning and Louis nodded.

"Yeah." He whispered and Anne sighed.

"Listen to me, Lou. You are a student, you want to still go out with friends and get something for yourself. You don't have to spend all your money on Jack. He's fine and he has more than enough and me as well as your parents don't lack on money." She chuckled lightly. "I know you started this job to also pay for daily things Jack needs and that's more than alright, but you also need to look after yourself." She explained pushing the envelope back to Louis who ignored it.

"Please. I feel so, so bad like I'm the worst person ever because I couldn't be there and to know Harry had to go through this alone and you had to pay for everything..." Tears started running down Louis cheeks as he desperately tried to explain to Anne how bad he really felt. "Everytime I look at you I feel so guilty, because I have lived my life at it's finest and Harry and you sat at home and took care of my baby. I try so hard to make up for it, but I can't get rid of this feeling. So please, please let me do this and take the money. Please." He was full on sobbing now and Anne was quick to round the counter and embracing him in a hug.

"Hey, shh. It's alright, Louis." She mumbled in his hair kissing the top of his head. She rubbed his back until he calmed down a bit only now sniffling here and there. "Look at me." She said and Louis looked up with puffy eyes. "I told you already that you don't have to feel this way. You didn't know and if you would've known I am sure that you would've been there." She wiped his eyes with her thumbs before continuing. "You proved how incredibly brave you are by immediately being there for Harry and Jack as soon as you found out and not letting them down once. You didn't even doubt for a second that Jack was yours and this is definitely nothing someone takes for granted. You are an amazing father for Jack and an amazing boyfriend for Harry and this is the only thing that counts." She said and new tears found their way to Louis' eyes but this time because of Anne's genuine words. "But if you're feeling better I take the money, but not everything. Give me the half of it and we're even alright?" She suggested and Louis nodded and smiled gratefully.

"Thank you." He breathed out and Anne just waved him off smiling. "And what was the other thing you wanted to talk about?"

"I was wondering if it's really alright with you that I stay over so often. I mean, I practically live here now and I don't want to come over like I take it for granted. I don't want to invade your privacy and practically take your son and grandson away from you with my presence." Louis said sheepishly and Anne scoffed.

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