Giving everything

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"We need to talk." Louis said as he walked into the bedroom where Harry was sitting on the bed folding Jack's freshly washed clothes. He dropped the shirt and looked up at Louis terrified.

"Oh god. I knew this day would come." Harry's eyes welled up with tears. "Please, please tell me what I can do so you don't leave me! I can't raise Jack and the baby without you, Louis!" Big tears were rolling down his cheeks already and he choked on his spit. Louis instantly rushed over to him with a horrified expression on his face and embraced him in his arms.

"Baby, hey. What are you talking about? I'm not leaving you." He said confused. Harry's head shot up an he looked at Louis puzzled.

"B-but you said we need to talk. That always means that you break up." Harry mumbled as Louis wiped his tears away.

"Oh, I'm sorry baby. But, no I don't want to break up." Louis chuckled. "I wanted to talk to you about our living situation for when the baby comes." Harry adjusted his seating position and sat up properly again.

"Oh." He said slowly. "What about it?" Louis grabbed the shirt Harry had dropped and folded it neatly.

"Well, firstly I don't actually live here. Secondly, we don't have enough room for when the baby gets older and won't sleep in our room anymore and I don't want Jack to have to share his room with the little one. The only separate room is Gemma's for when she comes home and we can't occupy it."

"You're right. I didn't think about that yet." Harry wondered. "And what do you suggest?"

"Maybe we should look for an own flat." Louis said slowly and Harry's eyes went wide. "I don't mean that we should move out now. We still have plenty of time. The first year the baby will sleep in our room and we also have to clarify first if we can even attend online classes, but at some point there's no other way than moving to a bigger place with two children." He explained fastly when he saw the panicked look on Harry's face who visibly relaxed now.

"Yeah, but I don't have nerves to think about that right now." Harry admitted.

"I know, baby. I just wanted to address it. There's no rush." Louis assured.

What Louis had said was true, they needed a bigger place at some point, but another reason was that he just wanted to feel completely at home. He loved staying over at Harry's and he always felt welcomed and Anne treated Louis like her own son. He was beyond grateful for her help and the she was always there when they needed her, but it wasn't his home. Yes, he practically lived there and was barely at his own house anymore, but it was different than actually living there. He couldn't tell that Harry though, he would freak out and feel bad and guilty as usual, so Louis kept quiet.

"We could look for places just to see what kind of possibilities we have." Harry suggested and Louis nodded.

"That's a great idea actually." He grinned.

"Jack and I are going out to the playground, do you want to come with us?" Harry asked now as they were done folding the clothes.

"I'd love to, but I have to work tonight." Louis smiled sadly.

"You do too much." Harry frowned.

"Nope. Harry, we talked about this. We need to save a bit of money for the little one. It's fine, really. I only work two days a week, that's definitely not much." Louis said smiling.

"But you also have footie practice and games. I barely see you anymore." Harry huffed.

It was a topic that was standing between them, but Louis didn't know what to do that he had more time for his family. He needed to play football for his scholarship and he needed to work to make money, because they didn't want to be dependent of their parents and they had also told them to be more responsible and take care of their own money. Harry on the other side just wanted Louis around more often and he didn't understand why Louis had to work so badly, because both of their parents were pretty wealthy, so there was no reason for him to work. He had told Louis he was sure that they would give them money if they saw them struggling, but Louis didn't want that.

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