Chapter 18

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Arashi's POV

"Well then, now that everyone is present let's continue this meeting." Jura casually spoke

"How is he not phased by this?!" Gray and I complained

"Cait Shelter must be hurting in members if they're sending a little girl." Sherry added

"She's not alone. You shouldn't jump to conclusion you gothy trollop. " Another voice spoke

We looked to see who the voice belong and it belonged to a cat that was approaching us

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We looked to see who the voice belong and it belonged to a cat that was approaching us.

"Who are you?" I asked

" Hmph rude, when meeting someone new for the first time you must always introduce yourself first." The cat spoke

"Oh Carla, you followed me?" Wendy was surprised to see her.

"Well of course I did, you're far too young to be traveling by yourself child."

What is she, her mother?

I looked over at Happy and I could tell he fell for her, and hard at that. I could see him walk towards me.

"Ari, I'll give you all my fish if you tell her I'm not neutered."

"Dude get a grip, talk to her yourself."

"He loveeees her" Lucy teased

"Sorry, I'm probably not what you expected

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"Sorry, I'm probably not what you expected. I know I'm smaller and younger than all of you, and I may not be much of a fighter but I can use all types of support magic. So please let me join you team, It'd be embarrassing if I got sent home." She begged

"You'll never gain their respect if you're not confident child." Carla scolded

I walked up to and offered my hand.

"My name Arashi, but you can call me Ari. It's a pleasure to meet you. I look forward working with you"

"My, he certainly has manners." Carla complimented

Wendy shook my hand.

"Oh wow, you're the Phantom Cobra of Fairy Tail. I've heard so much about you." Wendy complimented

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