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"Your mission is to deliver this scroll to The hidden Sand village." Naruto said and 'Jakiko' grabed the scroll and eyed it tossing it to Konohamaru who caught it and stared at 'Jakiko' "Thanks." Konohamaru said as he looked at Naruto they all bowed before separating and going to grab there Belongings to begin the 3 day trip. The next day as soon as the sun rose they were there waiting on 'Jaikiko'. Sarada moaned. "Its just like another boruto!" She exclaimed and crossed her arms. Jakiko ran over to the group with his bag on his back. Bowing "Sorry I'm late!" He said and Konohamaru looked at him like 'what the hell man?' Look on his face and Sarada just looked annoyed. They began there journey and walked in silence for a couple hours. "Hey where are you from? I've never seen you before." Sarada said breaking the silence. "I've been on a mission for many years. You've probably never seen me." Boruto replied trying his best to not have his voice crack. "Leave Jakiko alone kids." Said Konohamaru and Mitsuki wacthed him again. Suddenly he froze and Jakiko stopped walking standing his ground. He glanced at Konohamaru who nodded and the looked towards the surrounding woods. Mitsuki wacthed the interaction. The man walked the same as Boruto in posture and didnt seem like he was to experienced at hiding emotions. "Guys?" Sarada whispered to the older team members. "Konohamaru get behind me." Boruto (Jakiko) whispered and Konohamaru did as ordered. Boruto drew a kunai and wacthed the forest. Suddenly a kunai came flying out towards Saradas eyes. Boruto quickly held out his hand and a wind blast hit the kunai. He thought to himself how did he do it but couldn't think to much right now. Sarada looked on in aw as 'Jakiko' protected her. Mitsuki wacthed suspiciously before borutos chakra erupted. A scream of agony conformed Mitsukis suspicion and only worried everyone. "JAKIKO!" Sarada yelled running to the adult
Boruto pushed her off wincing releasing some chakra into the air to make shure he wouldnt lose control. Konohamaru wacthed staring at the man who wacthed constantly as Boruto withered on the ground. Boruto closed his eyes focusing hard to try and build it up on his skin and release it. Boruto squinted and Mitsuki wacthed horrified. Borutos chakra was coming off in a thin cloud of blue surrounding him and everyone around. Squeezing his eyes he hid his face. His skin began burning and then healing then burning. He was in agony. He stood up and looked at the man. The man lifted into the air out of reach of everyone far above there heads and threw a kunai. Boruto irritated held out his hand the kunai shattering apoun touching his skin. The man looked down as Boruto looked up. Boruto activated the jougan and leaped into the air. "NO ONE TOUCHES THEM!" Yelled Boruto as he was now face to face with the man. The man wacthed as Boruto quickly stabbed his heart. The man couldnt react and fell limp muttering a sentence. "A h-ner." He said before dying. Boruto pulled his hand out of his chest and his body fell to the floor. Boruto looked down at the team where Sarada stared eyes wide like she had seen a demon. "Jakiko..." she mumbled and Konohamaru walked over to Sarada placing a hand on her shoulder signaling for jakiko to return to the floor. Sarada was there crying. He saw and stood stunned and approached her slowly "hey- Sarada what did I do?" He asked approaching and placing a hand on her shoulder. "STAY BACK!" She yelled and Boruto eyed her tearing up. Konohamaru felt like jakiko was similar to Boruto in every way. "Hey its fine!" Konohamaru said kneeling down to her height. Sarada looked at his eyes exhausted and fainted into his arms. Boruto wacthed horrified and ran to take her from Konohamaru. "SARADA!" Boruto yelled pulling her close to his chest. Mitsuki walked over and grabed her wrist to double check she was ok. "Shes fine boruto." Mitsuki said and Konohamaru looked up shocked "Boruto?" Konohamaru asked Mitsuki who nodded eyeing Boruto who's jougan was still activated "that's the dojustu owned by Boruto. His mannerisms and walking pattern are identical as well." Mitsuki said. Boruto looked up "Mitsuki- Konohamaru-" boruto started and was stopped. "Do you feel ok Boruto?" Asked Konohamaru. Boruto nodded and stood up caring Sarada bridal style. "We need to get her to a hospital." Said Boruto dodging the subject. Mitsuki walked over  and a green chakra coated his hands. He held out his hands over Sarada and began to heal her. "I learned this from my parent." Mitsuki said smiling.

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