chapter 5

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Boruto was about to leave the village when Sasuke stopped him. He had to leave. Even if it meant hurting his master. First he tries to attack Sasuke but was prevented by him dodging so Boruto just Hightailed it into the forest leaving sasuke standing there wondering what just happened and decided to go report to Naruto. Just as he stepped away he heard a *THUD* and felt a disturbance in Boruto's Chakra Sasuke turned and ran to Boruto's unconscious body and picked him up and looked around to see who was there. He looked at Boruto on his right arm as The Karma had spread and changed color that alone worried Sasuke. But the fact Boruto had tried to leave was worse. He gripped Boruto and ran to the Uzumaki home to drop him off. Sasuke saw he had looked pale as he ran Boruto's body flailed lifelessly and the karma stayed on his body. *Hn* Sasuke said as he saw Sakura walking through the market. He would come home for dinner to surprise them. Sakura looked up at Sasuke and waved as she followed up his body till she saw Boruto knocked out. "BORUTO!!" Sakura screamed. She hopped up to the roof Sasuke was on,"What happened?!" She reached for his arm the karma had spread on then saw boruto wince in pain when she touched it. She held it closer to look at then looked at Sasuke. "What's wrong?" Sasuke asked sakura as she took him from his arms and laid him on the roof. "His chakra is very low, he will die If we don't do anything" she said as she began giving him some chakra grunting.Boruto began to get his color back to his skin as she sighed in relief and feel back out of chakra to spare she looked at sasuke. "The rest is up to him." She said Takeing deep breaths and standing up only to be caught by Sasuke. "You over did it Sakura.." he was cut of by a spike in borutos chakra the picked up Sakura and backed up the stared at the young boy floating in the air his chakra began to go everywhere and shoot into buildings and caused a panic. Sasuke set sakrua down "Should I try a Sealing jutsu?" he looked at Sakura to have her idea. "Yeah, we'll tell naruto later to have help, he can do a stronger sealing jutsu than us." Sakura said dodging a chakra ball. "WHERE IS ALL THIS CHAKRA COMING FROM?!" She said jumping over another ball. Sakura was protecting a little kid that was about to be hit by some chakra "ANY MOMENT NOW WOULD BE GREAT SASUKE! Sakura screamed at Sasuke he ran towards Boruto and jumped up into the air and activated his sharingan avoiding the balls of blue chakra "SEALING JUTSU!" Sasuke yelled and slammed his hand into Borutos stomach and fell next to boruto as the balls of chakra begin to disappear and boruto fell into Sasuke's
arms. "Let's get you home buddy." Sasuke said turning to return to the path to get to Boruto's home. *A Little more than half way there* "Ino!" Sasuke shouted when he saw her. And hopped down. "BORUTO!" Ino said and hugged his limp body. "Where was he?" She asked eager to know. "I found him passed out outside the village, his chakra was drained almost completely." Ino looked shocked; he looked like he had enough chakra to perform the rasengan or shadow clone jutsu. "He had a moment where he was shooting balls of pure chakra everywhere and regenerated it all." Sasuke showed her Boruto's stomach to reveal a high level sealing jutsu. "Why did he need a sealing jut.... Ohh." She said, realizing why it was there. "He needs to be with Naruto" Sasuke said.
Super. Busy won't update Saturday and will try and update Sunday but it all depends

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