a little clif hanger for a bit

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"WOAH!" Hima said as he brother was opening the door. "Your really fast Boruto!" She said as Boruto began to look around realizing no one seemed to be there he turned around when he heard hima get quiet all if a sudden. He saw a tall figure standing there and then Naruto burst through the door. "BORUTO!" Naruto yelled and ran to his son. "WHO ARE YOU?" Naruto demanded   to know as the man intruded. Himawari immediately knew this was bad and ran upstairs to her mom who was standing fiercely taking Hima into her arms and fleeing the building via a window. "Mi-Ster?" Boruto said and the man laughed like a maniac. Boruto closed his eyes and held out his hands. A shock wave was sent out and Boruto started to glow again "BORUTO!" Naruto screamed staring at the man who kept smiling through it all. "GYAHHHHHH!!!!" Boruto yelled in pain and held his head still glowing a bright yellow. "MAKE IT STOP!!!" He cried and his body began to enlarged to the size of Naruto and Naruto stood shocked. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" Naruto screamed jumping over the ralling and in front of his son. "Hes simply fulfilling his duty that's been passed onto him." Said The man and Naruto raged his voice becoming empty and hallow. "Leave him alone.... hes only a kid!" Naruto yelled at wicth the man laughed louder. "YOU HUMANS ARE DUMB!" He yelled and Boruto finaly started to stop glowing. His face was similar in shape to narutos with his eyes now a pastel blue and his whiskers disappearing "boruto?!"

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