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"Yeah some things about it."  Sauske said and Tenori smiled. "Its used to vessel Otsutsuki clan members. Like a back up file, it slowly decompressed information about the Otsutsuki than gave it to them causing the vessel to no longer exist." Said Toneri and
Narutos eyes widened. "So Boruto will." Toneri stoped Naruto. "There is one way to stop it without killing him. " toneri said and Naruto got excited "what is it?" Naruto exclaimed like a idiot making Sauske facepalm. "Removing his right forearm." Toneri said calmly. "That's all?" Sauske and Naruto asked. It didnt seem like to much sacrifice to them considering they were both missing a arm. "We can make a scientific ninja tool for his arm." Naruto said sounding eager. "Its up to him." Tenori responded then quit talking about it signaling for others to be quiet. "Mhph!" Boruto grunted over as he tripped on the  empty scroll entering the office. Boruto lied there in defeat as Naruto panicked Sauske sighed. Toneri let out a small chuckle at the situation and helped Boruto up. "Than- TONERI?" Boruto yelled "why are you here?"

Boruto questioned and was greeted by a response that shocked him. "We were talking about you." He said and Naruto slammed his head on the desk and Sauske facepalmed "what?" Boruto said trying to draw out more information. "You need to chkp ur forearm off or you'll die." Tenoru said and Naruto basically fell throw the desk and Sauske fell face first onto the floor.

(First one in a while trying to get it going well)

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