"Seriously, did you get tired of your many mistresses?" He asked his dad, then looked to his mom. "Did you forget he cheated, and beat you? Did you forget he hit Nat!"

Before she could say anything, Luka spoke.

"Get out, now!" Luka said to his dad.

"Luka, you have no right to speak to your mom that way, don't forget who's paying your tuition." His dad abruptly says, ignoring Luka completely.

Scoffing, Luka clenched his fists. "What did you just say?"

His mom comes up towards Luka and places her hands on his shoulders, stopping him from going any further towards his dad, who is glaring at Luka, equally feeling the same urge to get in his face.

There was no way Luka was staying here or accepting whatever the hell was going on, he wasn't going to watch his mother make the same mistake, and there was no way his sister was going to be here to watch it happen.

Moving past his mom, and ignoring the looks of disgust from his dad, Luka leaves the room and heads for the stairs, once he leaves the room, he can hear his parents begin to talk, then start to yell as he made it to his sister's room.

Opening the door, Nat is sat on the bed with her phone. "Pack some clothes, we're leaving."

Nat looks at Luka confused. "Where are we going?"

Luka grabs a bag from behind the door and throws it on the bed, then goes into her wardrobe and grabs a bunch of her clothes, then throws it into the bag.

"Not here, we're going back to the dorm."

Nat nods her head and puts her jacket back on, Luka zips up her bag and flings it over his shoulder, he hated that he had to do this, but he wasn't being a witness to their parent's failure anymore.

He left the room and made his way down the stairs with Nat behind him, he saw his dad enter the hallway and skeptically look at the bag on his shoulder, obviously annoyed.

"Where do you think you are going?" His dad asked. "You will both stay and listen to us Luka!"

Luka snorted as he put his trainers back on, ignoring his dad completely, and from the corner of his eye he saw his mom enter the hallway with red eyes from her obvious crying, Luka would care if she didn't have a glass of wine in her hands.

He had already gotten to his mom, and Luka was sick and tired of watching the same thing happen over and over, he needed to get out of this house before he went insane.

Luka went to open the door but his dad slammed his hand hard on the door, closing the door.

"You leave that's it!" He booms. "Forget football, no more Paris! I will disown you and gladly enjoy you both living on the streets, do you hear me, boy?" He taunted, getting in Luka's face.

Luka bit his tongue from losing himself to his threats, but even though, Luka had enough of the same treatment he had always gotten from Luke Ellis, threats and yelling, no matter what Luka did he was and never will be enough for his dad to respect him.

"Do it, because I'm done with you both, enjoy your fucking life together."

Luka shoves Luke and opens the door wide for his sister to get out, once out he walks out of the house without looking back, they both get into the car and Luka locks the doors, once the car starts, he notices his sister physically shaking so he puts auto-drive on and puts his hand over his sisters shaky one.

"Look at me." He tells her, squeezing her hand tight. "I got you, okay? Everything is fine, I promise."

Nat nods her head as a tear falls from her eye, Luka grabs the wheel and drives out of the driveway, ignoring his mom's pleas to stay and talk, he watches her walk behind the car to catch up to them as Luka drives away.

A year sober and his mom brings that man back into his and his sister's life, after swearing she was done with him, after the restraining order and divorce, Luka could no longer trust her to make the right choice anymore.

"What's going to happen now, Luka?" His sister asks quietly, her throat hoarse from crying.

Luka didn't know what to say, the anger was still there and his heart was beating out of control, but what he did know is that he was done with Victoria and Luke Ellis, and he swore he would never go back to that house again.

"I still have my inheritance, we'll be fine." He says.

Luka could feel Nat stare a hole into his head as he drove. "Luka, no way, that was meant for-"

"I'm almost 22 Nat, I can get a job, I'm not taking his money anymore and neither are you."

His sister didn't say anything but stayed silent in her seat, he knew she was against him using his inheritance for their survival from no longer having their dad's money, but Luka was proud, too proud to accept it anymore, but he knew his sister wasn't like him and she would struggle.

Nat lived like his mom, freely accepting money from their father to fulfill their needs for the lifestyle they lived, but Luka was different, and he knew his sister didn't want to live on his money her whole life.

Luka just hoped his parents left him alone for no, or at least until after Luka's game, there was too much on the line to risk getting involved in his parent's relationship again.

For now, he hoped Jake wouldn't mind his sister crashing at the dorm for a few days until he could figure out what to do with her situation, he knew her year ended, so she didn't have to go back, she would graduate in two weeks and after that, it would be up to her what she does.

Luka just needed to keep it together, for the both of them, Luka needed to stay level-headed, he had too many people counting on him, he couldn't let them all down now, he refused to.

The thought of seeing Apple came to mind, and Luka missed how empty his head felt when he was around her, and he desperately needed that right now, so he did something totally not like himself, he put the car in auto-drive and he texted her.

Luka: 'Are you free tonight? if so, do u want to hang out?'

He waited five minutes before his phone lit up, he instantly knew it was her from how he saved her number, with the Apple emoji, he wasted no time in opening his phone and reading her message.

🍎: 'I'm free... that would be nice'

Luka smiled for the first time since he last saw Apple, his anger slowly started to leave his body and he felt more at ease now than he did ten minutes ago.

Luka couldn't hide it, he was looking forward to getting away from the drama and seeing Apple, and for some reason that confused him, but he didn't care, he was suffocating and Apple felt like fresh air, air that he needed before he exploded. 

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