Imagine 32: Dilemma

Start from the beginning

"Woozi has a younger brother? And it's you?", I said then he nods as he smiles. He's cute and adorable.

"Yes. I heard you are my older brother's soon to be wife...", he said then I sighed.

"Well, unluckily yes"

"Why? What's wrong? Is he hurting you, princess?", he asked in a worried tone.

"Nope. He is just... cold and rude at me"

"Oh, so you want him to be sweet and warm to you?"

"Well even if he became like that, I still don't want to marry him. I don't like him", I said sarcastically. 

"O...kay", he said then I saw him smiled, a little bit.

"Umm, what are you doing here by the way?"

"Well... just... g-getting some f-fresh air. Y-yeah! Getting some freash air, hehe", he said.

Why is he stuttering?

"Why are you stuttering? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I g-gotta go, see you later princess!", he said then he ran away quickly.

He is kind of weird but cute.

After a few minutes, I decided to go back inside. 


When I got back, I saw my mom, walking back and forth, in front of Woozi's room. 

"Y/N! Where have you been? Woozi wants to talk to you", my mom said.

"Why does he want to talk to me?"

"I don't know. Just go and talk to him, he is waiting inside", mom said then I just nodded and enters his room.

"So you wanted to talk to me?", I said as soon as I closed the door.

"Do you like the wedding gown?"

"Of course I like it, but I don't like the idea of getting married, especially to you", I said seriously and he just laughed.

"Stop being so picky Y/N, you should be thankful because you are marrying me", he said, right in front my face.

"Excuse me?! And why would I be thankful if I am marrying a guy that I don't even love? I even hated you for my whole life!", I shouted right in front his face.

"You h-hate me?"

"Yes. I hate you so much, so please, do everything to stop our marriage", I said then opened the door, but Woozi grabbed my hands and locked the door.

"What's wrong with you? Let me go!", I said as I pulled my hands.

"I don't care if you hate me Y/N, we are still going to get married"

"Have you lost your mind? Didn't I told you already that I can't marry you for I don't love you and you don't also love me"

"No, I love you!"

What did he just said?

"W-what... d-did you said? You love me?"

"Yes! So please, please just marry me and learn to love me", he begged as he held both of my hands. I'm completely shocked and speechless right now.

"No. I can't", I said as I shook my head.

"Please Y/N. I promise, I won't hurt you, never in my life. So please, please marry me Y/N", he begged.

"I don't care if you love me or you won't ever hurt me, I won't still marry you. So please find a way to stop our marriage. I'm begging you", I said and pulled my hands from his grip then walks away but again, he pulls me and hugged me.

"Please Y/N, I'm begging you", he said then he started crying. 

"Woozi, I'm sorry but I can't. I just can't", I stated and broke the hug.

"But why? Because you hate me? I can make you fall for me", he said.

"No Woozi"

"Y/N, please", he said as he sobbed. 

"Didn't she just said she don't want to marry you?", someone suddenly said. I turned my head to the door then there I saw Mingyu.

"I was listening to the both of you"

"What are you doing here? Get out! You have nothing to do here", Woozi said but Mingyu just laughed and smirks.

"I actually have something to do here", he said as he walked closer to us. 

"What?", Woozi annoyingly said.

"I'm here to take my girl", he said then he pulled my hand from Woozi's grip.

"W-what? Your girl? Mingyu, she's my future wife"

"Yes she is, but, she is just forced. Y/N is not willing to be your wife", Mingyu seriously said at Woozi.

"Do you like Y/N?"

"I love her", Mingyu directly said.


"M-mingyu, what are you saying?", I said while pulling my hand away from his hand.

"I love you Y/N, since the first day I've saw you", he said while looking straight into my eyes. My heart suddenly beats faster.

What is wrong with me?

"So you want to get her? Sorry but I won't let that happen. Y/N is mine and we are going to get married", Woozi said but Mingyu chuckled.

"I don't think we are the one who will decide this", Mingyu said as he looks at me. Woozi also look at me with serious eyes.

"W-wait? Don't tell me I am going to-"

"Yes, you are going to choose between us Y/N", Mingyu said.

"It's me Y/N, right?", Woozi said with teary eyes.

"Am I going to choose right now?"

"Let's not waste time Y/N. Just choose freely, it's your choice, choose your happiness", Mingyu said. I can't believe I'm in this kind of situation.

"Y/N, please", Woozi pleaded.

I deeply sighed as I closed both of my eyes.

"I... choose......."

(Who will you choose???)

The End

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