M.k x Spider Queen's daughter

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"Mom, I brought food." You called as you tried to navigate down the steep slope. Unfortunately, your foot caught onto a rock and your were sent flying forward.

"Ahh!" You yelped covering your face but before you made impact you felt an arm around your stomach that caught you. Looking up, you saw Syntax placing you down carefully.

"Oh thanks, Syntax." You smiled at him gratefully.

"In the future be more careful, my princess."

You cringed at the title.

"Eugh don't call me that." You picked up the bag of  food which you had dropped.

"He should call you that!" Your mother interjected entering the room. "I am the Queen! You are my daughter and that makes you -"

"A princess, uh huh, we've been over this." You mumbled reaching into the bag and offering her a bowl of Pigsy's noodles.

"Oh, don't mind if I do." She agreed taking the bowl and chop sticks you offered.

She always got hangry around this time of day. So, to spare innocent victims, you brought her food and worked at a normal job above ground. 

Your mother had insisted that she would rule the world one day and that you would rule by her side. Despite the fact that you had zero interest in ruling anything or anyone in anyway.

"Mom, what would you say if I...met someone?" You asked as you offered Syntax a bowl of noodles as well. He lit up and took the bowl with a nod of thanks.

"I would have to meet the someone." Your mother warned with a look.

You bit your lip feeling a blush beginning to bloom on your cheeks.

"He's kind, and funny, and he's super strong." You listed feeling your heart flutter at the thought of him. "Mom you'd love him!"

Spider Queen hummed.

"How'd you meet?" She asked sipping on the broth.

"Well he uh.....he saved me from being mugged a while ago." You admitted with a guilty smile.

"You were mugged?!" Spider Queen demanded as you gave Huntsman his food as well. "I told you to bring huntsman or Syntax!"

You shrugged a bit.

"They were busy."

"Busy with what?" Spider Queen rounded on them but you stepped in the way.

"They were following orders. And I didn't want to get them in trouble."

Both Huntsman and Syntax released a breath of relief when you intervened.

Spider Queen huffed and waited for you to continue.

"And he came and just helped me out." You finished simply.

"Well he seems to have good taste." Spider Queen mused.

You beamed. You had actually met M.k about three weeks ago. But you weren't sure how your mother would react so you had kept it to yourself. And yet you were just about ready to introduce the two of them, you were hoping it would go well.

(Aheh heheheh oh boy you guys)


"M.K!" Mei shouted running over with her phone as M.k walked from Pigsy's noodles.

"Oh hey Mei how's it hanging?" He waved with a smile.

"M.k Y/n is in Spider Queen's lair!" She shouted.

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