Monkey King x Phoenix reader

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You kept your hood down and walked through the town with a growl. You loathed the Phoenix eclipse. A holiday celebration human kind created in order to kill and capture your kind. Phoenixes were beyond rare and out of thousands of people you had the misfortune of being born as one.

Now when most people thought of a Phoenix they envisioned a red and golden bird the size of a bald eagle and only that. While that was partially true, as you could morph into that state if you so desired, it was not the full truth. Most Phoenixes preferred to remain in their human state most of the time.

Under normal circumstances no one could tell the difference between a Phoenix born and human. Unless of course, it was a solar eclipse. Your mother had taught you an old Phoenix proverb.

"When the sun is blocked by the guardian of night, no phoenix may hide their light."

That was right. You would light up like a Christmas tree, glowing gold for as long as the eclipse lasted. Even in human form. Most Phoenixes left or stayed in, but you had work and forgot to get the day off. Besides, you figured you had hours before the eclipse began.

You walked between people, lost in thought and due to the parades and such, you made a wrong turn.

You stepped into an alleyway and paused. After recalculating where exactly you were and how to get to your work place, you turned and froze.

A man stood at the opening of the alleyway.

"What's the matter? Lost?"

Your heart sunk and you took a step to the side to test. Sure enough, he mimicked you still blocking your path.

"Actually, no. I know where I'm going so if you'd just-"

A man chuckled behind you making you jump.

"I think she is Zach."

The man you supposed was named Zach stepped towards you.

"Well that's a shame. As gentlemen it's our duty to escort a little lady like yourself."

You stumbled backwards but your back hit the alley wall as the two men approached you. You had an option, but considering what today was; it was an idiotic option.

Zach reached for you, and that basically made the decision for you. In a burst of flames you turned into your Phoenix form and flew as high and as fast as you could.

Unfortunately, giant red and golden birds don't go unnoticed. So half of town gasped and took pictures before you made it to the clouds.

It was clear you couldn't land anywhere discretely and you started to panic. You hadn't flown in weeks and your stamina was short lived to put it kindly.

That was the moment you saw flower fruit mountain. It was said the Monkey King lived there, but that had to be a myth. No one lived there. Not really. So you adjusted your course for flower fruit mountain.

A few minutes later

You landed on the beach and changed back into your human form with an exhausted breath of relief. You could simply camp out here until the eclipse.

"Well that's not something you see every Phoenix Eclipse." An amused male voice spoke behind you.

With a jump you whirled around only to see the Monkey King.

Images flashed through your mind suddenly. Images of the Monkey King reaching for you with a wide mischievous smile and chasing you around the mountain.

Spooked, you shook your head to dispel the images. Obediently, they vanished like disturbed fog.

" must be the Monkey King."

"The one and only!" The Monkey King declared with a grin. "So, you hiding from the festivities?" He asked nonchalantly walking over to a banana tree.

"Um..yeah I suppose. Sorta."

Monkey King tossed you a banana suddenly and you fumbled with it but it didn't touch the ground.

"I'm surprised. It's been awhile since you came around Huô."

Your head snapped up at the familiar name.

"What did you just call me?"

Monkey King rose an eyebrow.

"Huô. That's your name, isn't it?"

You stared at him blankly before asking.

"Do I know you?"

Realization dawned on Monkey King's face, then he seemed to deflate a bit.

" were reincarnated." His gaze fell to the ground. "I didn't even know you...anyway, yes. Or atleast you did in a past life."

You blinked.

"Oooh so those were memories."

Monkey King looked up with you with a raised eyebrow.


You smiled at him innocently and walked over.

"You would chase me, every Eclipse."

Monkey King stiffened and turned away chuckling nervously.

"Ah heh. Yeah it was kinda a game we liked to play."

You fondled the banana shyly as your smile grew.

"Well I'm kinda stuck here...sooo." You shot him a smirk. "Betcha' got slower since you're old now."

"Old?!" Monkey King whirled and you took off in a run laughing. "Ohoho I'll show you old!"

You heard him chuckle and start after you.

The day passed quickly as you hid in trees, bushes, and caves. Then you'd ambush him anytime he got close.

You two took breaks for meals and chatted while you ate. Memories started to return the more time you spent with him and this started to feel like a second home.

After dinner you and Monkey King sparred lightly. You caught his fist and tried to knock him off balance, but his tail wrapped around your leg.

You gasped when, with a light tug, you tumbled to the ground.

Monkey King took the opportunity and lunged over pinning you under him

"Finally!" He declared proudly.

You snickered.

"Finally, what?"

He threw you a smirk.

"I finally caught a Phoenix."

A blush exploded on your cheeks as one last memory came to mind.

"Why do people want to catch us anyway?!" You pouted as Monkey King cleaned a cut on your cheek.

"Well, you're breathtaking." Monkey King flirted.

You blushed lightly.

"What would you do if you caught a Phoenix?"

Monkey King smiled at you.

"I only want to catch you. And if I did," He leaned close. "I'd ask for a kiss."

You scoffed.

"Too bad you never will!"

Your mind returned to the present and your blush darkened much more.

"Well a deal is a deal." You muttered.

Monkey King looked shocked but allowed you to sit up and press your lips to his. He melted into the kiss as the fireworks painted the night sky.

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