Chapter 47, Eleanor

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Part Two

"Are you sure it's ok to leave like that?" Chase asks.

I and Chase both left the pack soon after I 'talked' with Orson, we both headed for the road with only Alec and Larc to say goodbye to me as I went on my way.

We aren't even an hour out and I miss him, but there's a part of me that's stronger than that need for him, and it starts with Chase and what he knows.

I shrug. "No, I'm pretty sure he hates me now." I mumble out.

The pure thought of Orson hating me... I can't function, or see where I'm stepping as I follow being Chase, if Orson hated me I might as well give up now because the thought feels like it could be the end of the world for me.

Looking around now, I have no idea where Chase is taking me, we're in the woods an hour from Orson's pack... my pack... I- I don't even know anymore, but I know we are still on his land.

"Orson could never hate you, Elly, if anything he is probably tailing behind us." He says, almost amused as he looks around us warily.

I snort. "Yeah right."

Chase stops and looks at me questionably. "Did Orson never mention that he was part of a special counter team during the war?"

A counter team? What the hell does he mean by that? But now that I think back, he did tell me there were things he did, and that he joined the war here young, but he said nothing of a 'special counter team'.

"No, what did his team do exactly?" 

Chase hums then we continue walking beside each other. "He was under the late commander Ricard Beowulf, they spent almost three years tracking down the enemy in the dead of night, some still talk of how they moved like the wind, killed just as fast too."

"Orson was only a boy of seventeen but he had an impressive time in the war, not just because of his age, but his skill in leadership and survival, I still hear those in the capital speak of the 'black smoke Orson'."

"Black smoke?" I grimaced at the thought of a young Orson, killing so many. "So he killed lots of...?"

"Shadow wolfs." Chase says. "It's the reason why he's so famously liked in this world and with a price on his head in Edath." He says, almost sarcastically.

I get the feeling Chase doesn't like Orson, but maybe now I'm thinking he's a little jealous considering Orson isn't an ordinary wolf, from everything I've heard it's almost like he's their hero, a god in wolf form, but I'd never say this to Orson.

It might make his head bigger and explode.

"Is that where we're going, Edath?"

Shaking his head, he looks back at me and smiles. "You're surprisingly impatient Elly, I remember when you once waited a week just to jump out of a bush to scare me." He chuckles at the memory and I blush.

"That was when we were kids, I'm less patient considering times have clearly changed Chase." I say, rolling my eyes.

He laughs. "I suppose." 

"We are almost at the gate, from there we will be with some others then we will enter the leiway portal, we need to make sure you are safe first, but most importantly, we need to remove that block." He grumbles out, irritated as he grunts the word 'block' out.

"Block?" What the hell is he talking about now, he didn't mention this. "What block?"

Chase scratches his head and looks at me with sad eyes. "I will explain when we reach the others, perhaps they could explain it better than I."

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