Chapter 37, Eleanor

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I wake up feeling more better than I have in a very long time, ever since the news hit me of my mother's passing, to the fight with Orson, I feel like I'm finally starting to feel content with where I am right now like it's all coming together.

Sitting up from the bed, I look around and don't see Orson, but he was definitely here last night when I fell asleep, in fact, he said that he wouldn't be able to sleep unless he could hug me, he made a big case until I gave up.

I was too embarrassed and shy to argue with him on hugging me, but I'm glad because being wrapped up in his arms was so magical, I had never been so comfortable falling asleep in my life, his arms felt like a safety blanket.

Getting up from bed, I make my way towards the bathroom to have a quick shower, before Orson comes back, well... If he comes back, we really need to work on communicating better... maybe I'll bring that up... if theirs a way to contact him without... you know, doing the whole wolf thing, which I can't do, because I'm human.

Opening the door, the last thing I thought I'd see is Orson, standing in the shower, with his back to me as one hand is flat against the wall, and the other is massaging his forehead.

Then I look down.... and all things holy, I go to shut the door but freeze halfway when I realize Orson didn't say anything to me, then before I change my mind... I leave the door halfway open.


He says nothing, but he knows I'm here as he flinches from hearing me, yet he doesn't move. The sound of the water hitting the glass windows of the shower and Orson's muscled back are the only sounds coming from the bathroom.

Something is wrong, Orson is usually more.... talkative than this.

He seems... upset.

I take a cautious step inside the bathroom and close the door behind me, the steam of the shower is blocking most of his body, but the outline I can see, but right now I'm more concerned about him, he feels off... and I don't know why.

"I'm almost done."

I try and get a look at his face as he moves slightly in the shower, his voice sounded different, like mine after crying.

He sounds broken. "Orson, are you.. alright?" I ask, coming closer to the glass of the shower.

He turns around and I see the clear outline of his wet chest, then his face... but I can't tell what face he's making because of the steam from the hot water.

I go to ask again, because I don't know why he's not saying anything and at this point, I get really nervous when he just stares at me, saying nothing. Before I get the chance to ask again, the glass doors open and there stands Orson, dripping wet and naked, very very naked.

I try my best and ignore the fact he's naked as I look up at his face, and nothing seems different, so then why do I feel so uneasy? Like he's hiding behind a cloak to mask how he feels.

He turns the shower off and then grabs a towel that hangs next to me. "Did I wake you?" He suddenly asks, catching me off guard.

I shake my head and step back when he steps out of the shower and stands in front of me.

He pulls his eyes from mine and turns around to dry his wet hair, and I feel sick.

Did I do something to upset him? Why won't he look at me?

"Orson, did I do something to make you angry with me? If I did I apologize... I don't know what I said or did, maybe in my sleep, sometimes I kick people- or so I was told but if that's it then I'm sorr-"

"That's not it, I just had a dream." He interrupts me. "I didn't mean to worry you, Eleanor, I just.. have them sometimes, dreams of the past. Water helps clear my head." He says, turning to look at me with a small smile on his lips.

"Trust me, you could never do anything to make me angry with you."

Dream of the past? So if it's not me... "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

He stills and looks at me, his eyes searching mine and I see the battle he's fighting with himself in his head. "If you don't want to, or if it's personal.. you don't have to."

He shakes his head and smiles at me, an actual genuine smile, then his face turns hard, cold, and distant.

"I had a... friend." He says slowly, grimacing at the word 'friend'. "Or I was to him, I was... going through shit and kept my distance, but Rhion.. he stuck to me like glue for almost two years during the war."

Oh... Can I ask about him or would that seem too personal? Whatever Orson dreamt of has clearly bothered him for a long time.

Orson looks at me and his eyes are... pitch black. "He died during an ambush, I... he was the first."

I raise my eyebrows confused. "The first?"

Orson leans against the bathroom wall, with a towel wrapped lowly around his waist and his arms crossed against his chest. "Friend." He says quietly.

"He died a long time ago. The war took many lives, young and old...but Rhion... Rhion was just another kid that shouldn't have been there." He grits out angrily, pushing himself from the wall.

"I haven't mentioned this to anyone before, that part of my life... it's not something I want you to hear, or ever experience Eleanor, that's why I... I can't let those responsible get away with it, that's why I'm doing what I am to ensure nothing like that happens again."

That's why he's so... "Orson, hey- look at me." I say, walking forward I reach out and hold his hand in mine, causing his eyes to snap to mine. "They will, and when they do, I'll be next to you."

Orson pulls me into his chest and wraps his wet bulky arms around me tightly, he sinks his head in my neck and breathes in and then out, like he's finally able to breathe after so long.

"You are too perfect Eleanor." He mutters against my skin, his wet lips on my neck sending tingles down my belly. "I'm sorry if I worried you, I just needed to wash it all away, I never wanted to spring my past on you as I have." He says tiredly and I raise my arm to place it on his back.

I stroke his back comfortingly and hug him with my other hand. "Wake me up next time you have another dream, you're not alone.. you can always speak to me Orson, you can trust me."

He pulls back slowly and looks at me, the cloak he was wearing has been dropped and the Orson now.. is the Orson that he never showed anyone before, despite who he is, a strong Alpha who gives the impression that nothing fazes him, he stands in front of me with his walls down, completely unafraid of what he's showing me.

I raise my hand and caress his cheek with my palm. "We are mates, after all, right?" I as, smiling up at him and he nods, putting his hand over mine on his cheek, he closes his eyes and breathes out.

"I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere, I'm here.." I Promise...

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