Chapter 31, Eleanor

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"Do you know how crazy you sound right now?" 

Lark and Orson look at me with eyes filled with a feeling that twists the insides of my stomach just from looking at their faces, they think I'm the crazy one right now.

Maybe I am the crazy one? Because there is no way I could make all this up in a sane state of mind.

Magic? An unknown entity or whatever the hell Alpifilas is, werewolves, and now this 'order'? What type of world did I just get myself mixed up in.

"Eleanor, listen to me." Orson says, emphasizing each of the last three words. "There's no time to explain all of this in one day." He says, holding his hand out to hold mine.

I move away from him and hold onto my hand. "Don't touch me." 

He looks taken back and hurt by my words but nods and walks past me.

I look around one last time and my stomach churns at every single thing I see, people- not people- whatever they are, they're practicing magic casually- or were, those who were talking, reading, and looking at the old 'artifacts' or computers in this room are no longer doing that, their eyes are now glued to me and Orson as I follow behind him silently.

I catch Larks face before the doors close behind me and all I can think of is how different our worlds truly are, in fact, I don't even think I could make any of this up if I ever left this place, would anyone even believe me if I told them?

I'd be my mother's replacement as the town crazy lady.

Orson bites into his wrist again and it makes me wince at how easily he can do that, as he places his wrist to the weird glowing door with strange words carved into the stone with his blood, causing the door to open.

He holds out his hand for me but I ignore his help and just walk past him towards the double doors of his office, as I hear the sound of the table moving back to its original spot in Orson's office.

Orson's hand stops the door from opening as he stands behind me. "We need to still talk about this Eleanor."

I turn around and look into his cold eyes looking down at me, filled with frustration and need. "What more could you possibly say that would make any of this make sense?" I ask.

He sighs out heavily and moves his large hand from the door.

"I never wanted you involved in this, you wanted to know and now you do! Now you don't want to hear me fucking speak!" He snapped out.

"Are all humans this fucking annoying?" He laughs and walks away.

I tense at the coldness in his voice.

Annoying? Oh hell no. "What's annoying is being taken against my will by a lunatic!" I shout to him as his back faces me. 

He flinches at my words but I don't stop, I'm so mad right now. "You should've just left me alone, I was happy not knowing anything, but you stole that from me! You only brought me here because of some 'mate bond' but you know what Orson? I know the truth so spare me the bullshit!"

He turns around and glares at me, his eyes are glowing and he's pissed as his body tenses. "Shut up." He grits out, grinding his teeth as he breathes heavily whilst looking at me.

"You can have any mate you want! You only wanted me to use me against my grandfather, admit it!" I shout, clenching my fists as they start to shake at the sight of Orson.

Orson laughs darkly, his voice darkens as he takes a step closer to me. "I didn't save you and bring you here to use you, but you seem to have it all figured out, so tell me..."

He stops in front of me, his pitch-black eyes stare into mine and it takes everything in me to not look away in fear as my legs begin to shake, Orson looks so deadly right now, I know he could kill me easily with a single flick of a finger.

"Why did you accept me if I'm such a monster?"

I swallow hard and tear my eyes away from his, but he grabs my face roughly and moves my head to face him. "You can't run away from this anymore Eleanor, you're mine and even if you hate it now, you're stuck with me, because I won't let you leave me." He says tightly as he moves his hand away roughly from my chin and steps back from me.

The doors open from behind me causing me to jump as a tall woman dressed in black, wearing a red cape that rests on her shoulder stands in front of me with a blank expression on her face.

"If that's all, Sena will escort you back to your room." Orson says without sparing me a single glance as he turns around to sit on his chair behind his desk.

I feel the tears threaten to escape but I swallow the pride I have left and walk out of his office, he's turned so cold within an instant that it feels like I made a mistake with accepting Orson, there's just too much about him and I that is too complicated.

He's trying to kill my family and save his world, whilst I am... what am I doing? What is my point to being here, all I seem to be doing is getting in his way, after all, he got what he wanted when he mated with me.

That's all he wanted, a mate to be stronger. It's like Adan said, he needed a mate who is strong enough to stick by Orson's side, not someone who cries wolf when things get hard.

Nobody wants me here, why would they? I'm not like them.

I am not someone who is strong enough to raise a resistance or fight in a war, I can't do anything by myself, I'm weak, I'm definitely not someone who can stand beside Orson anymore.

So what the hell am I doing here? He got what he wanted.

Adan was right, I don't belong here.

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