Chapter 44, Orson

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"ELAT! Mae ajjin vo idde!" (Move! He is not welcome!) 

Adan holds onto me as Lark helps the worthless piece of shit from the floor, his face is twisted in annoyance as I watch him stand up and dust his cloak with his hand, pissing me off even more if it was even possible.

This fucker- how dare he comes in here.... say what he said and then wrap his fucking arm around MY fucking mate.

He's not having her.

She's going fucking nowhere with him.

Over my dead body.


I watch him come towards my office with a guard by his side, the doors are already wide open when he reaches me, and from the crest, cape, and colors he wears, I feel uneasy having him here, knowing that wherever these colors go- especially in the past, nothing good ever comes.

What the fuck is he doing here?  And why do I feel like I've seen him before somewhere?

I watch him flip his cap to the side, put his hand over his heart, and bow before me. "Alpha, It is a pleasure to meet you- I'm-"

I interrupt him. "I know who you are, I don't care for your kind here, so why are you here?"

He looks warily to the guard and I mindlink him to leave us, he does and shuts the door behind him, leaving me alone in my office with the man known as Chase Henlon.

I cross my arms and wait for him to speak, he's squaring me up as his eyes stare into mine, he's standing tall and unintimidated by me, yet theirs an uncertainty in his eyes when he looks at me.

I know the feeling is mutual, he doesn't trust me and I don't trust him.

"I'll get to the point Alpha." He sharply says, going into his pocket. "I came to get someone you stole from me, and I'm not leaving without her." He places an envelope from his pocket, with a seal of Henlon waxed onto the middle, and places it in front of me.

"You forced her to stay in your pack, coerced her to mate with you, and even so you continue to lie to her about who you really are." He pauses. "Do you know what you've done?" He hisses out, then slams his hand on the envelope.

"You have NO idea what you've done Orson Thrain! Eleanor is in danger with you, count yourself lucky she is still alive." He snaps out, rubbing his forehead whilst glaring at me.

I can feel my wolf push to the surface at his obvious disrespect towards me, but I push him back and laugh out at his accusations, and tone towards me, I know what he's doing but it won't work on me.

I know who I am, and for him to talk to me like this... He clearly doesn't know what I am truly capable of.

I grab the envelope and that's when it comes to me- where I've seen him before.

The first time I saw Eleanor from the forest- he was helping move boxes into a vehicle, he had hugged her and even from far away, I could tell it made her uncomfortable.

I rip the seal from the letter and open it to read, once I realize what it is, I stand up.

"What the fuck is this?" I spit out whilst snarling, throwing the piece of paper against his chest.

He frowns and picks it up and then folds it again. "Exactly what it says, she's mine, not yours." He sighs out.

....I'm going to fucking kill him.

How dare he come in here and claim the right to Eleanor, when he has none, a piece of paper as old as I am, it proves nothing, even if it were true, I'd never let him take her from me, I'd do anything to protect her- keep her safe, and away from this fucker.

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