Chapter 45, Eleanor

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"I'm so sorry Eleanor." 

I look to Chase and for what feels like a lifetime, Chase speaks. "I know you have questions... and I will answer them." He then looks to Orson who sat next to me, glaring at Chase, and frowns. 

"I can't and will not speak of private matters concerning you in front of him, he is simply not part of this."

What the hell does that mean? I have already gone over this with him, Orson is part of this! "Chase he's-"

"Whatever shit you have to say, fucking say it before I throw you out!" Orson booms out beside me, irritation laced in his voice and his arms clench tensely.

I sigh 'not again' and rub my forehead, no matter what I say to Chase, he won't tell me anything in front of Orson, which for some reason he has a big problem with, but I don't know why, he won't tell me why unless he's not here.

It's all becoming quite a headache, now if I tell Orson to leave and let us talk... for some reason it makes me feel... like I'm not trusting Orson, or betraying him.

Chase isn't budging and at this rate, I'm not getting any closer to getting any answers from him.

I turned to face a very angry glaring Orson and squeeze his hand in mine making him look at me. 

"Orson, I need to know who I am, where I came from, and if Chase won't tell me because you're here... I won't hide anything from you, I just need you to leave, for a few minutes, I promise nothing is going to happen to me, I'm not going anywhere." I say the best I could given the situation and with Chase listening closely.

Orson's face turns emotionless as he looks at me, then I watch his eyes shift from mine to Chase's, who is looking at us with disapproval. "Fine." Orson says, roughly.

Orson stands up and stands a foot away from Chase and glares down with him, with eyes that could- and will kill. "Don't even think about touching her again." He says lowly, with pitch-black eyes.

He then turns to me and his eyes soften. "I'll be right outside if you need me." I nod my head and watch him leave the room, not missing the way his eyes darken when he looks at Chase one last time before he closes the door.

"Brute." Chase mutters out.

I give him a warning look and he just shrugs. "I don't see the attraction women have for that beast, what does he think I will do to you? Kill you?" He says, scoffing out as he removes his cloak.

Just like that, I'm jealous- I know I judged Orson harshly when I first met him, but our first meeting wasn't exactly picture perfect, I was almost killed and then he kidnapped me to this strange place... but then I got to know him.

"He's not that bad." I say, straining my voice from coming out annoyed.

 Chase gives me a look and rolls his eyes. "Right." He sarcastically says.

I sigh out and glare at him. "You lied to me about who you were, Orson never did, he might not be what you expected but I like him, he's good and kind, he saved my life and he's protected me, Chase, what have you done for me?" 

Chase stiffens and looks taken back by my words but it doesn't last long. "I did what I had to, to protect you! Eleanor- you don't understand now but the number of followers that have fallen for you..." He sighs out deeply and stands up. 

"I was going to tell you that day Eleanor, I went back to the house and it was gone- burned to the ground, I thought you- I thought... you were gone and I thought the worst, I thought you were dead, these past three months have been hell for me, and to find you here..." He rubs his face with both hands then sighs.

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